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L. K. Fisher – Voice Lessons – Vocal Training for Improving Your Speaking Voice

L. K. Fisher – Voice Lessons
[1 eBook – EPUB, MOBI]


Book DescriptionDo you dislike the sound of your voice? Is your voice unclear, too nasal, monotonous or breathy? Does speaking on the telephone make you nervous? Are you self-conscious about the sound of your voice? Are you asked to speak up or repeat yourself a lot?Chances are you tried to change your voice but failed; imitating other people’s voice is unnatural and impossible to keep up for long; lengthy and complicated self-help manuals require months of work and results are few, far apart and hard to measure.But don’t give up because you can have the professional, confident voice that commands the respect and attention you deserve by practicing the simple exercises in this book.You can significantly improve your voice in only 28 days just by practicing a few minutes each day. Not only will you learn how to improve your voice overall, but also how to correct specific voice defects such as nasality, hyponasality, aspiration and throatiness, and the best part is you can start feeling confident about the sound of your voice from day one.


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