L. Michael Hall – Dragon Slaying
L. Michael Hall – Dragon Slaying (2nd Edition).pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]
This book is part of the Hall group buy.DRAGON SLAYING: Dragons to PrincesSecond Edition (2000) Author: L. Michael HallBook Description:What do you do when you get into a Dragon State? How do you respond when fear, anger, guilt, shame, and other negative emotions become the very frame of your mind? What then? How well do you handle feeling fearful about your anger, guilting your sadness, depressed about your guilt and other meta-muddle convoluted states? Dragon Slaying describes a cutting-edge model of the mind, meta-States which will enable yo to take control of your mind at all of its reflexive levels. Dr. Michael hall will guide you to becoming a Dragon Master so that you can tame, transform, and slay the Dragons that would otherwise torture and sabotage.Please keep this and all the other Hall materials exclusive to elib & TV, thanksSpecial thanks go to Pimpdaddy & Evolutionz for all their work andto everyone who contributed to this outstanding group buy.
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