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Lankton Steve – Practical Magic

Lankton Steve – Practical Magic.pdf
[1 eBook -PDF]



Book DescriptionFirst published in 1980,this book is still considered the basic primer for understanding NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).The author demonstrates all the basic techniques for change and relates these to other established schools of psychotherapy.The result is a fortunate marriage of theory and practice.Covers a wide range of topics –some in depth,some only a tantalizing glimpse of possibilities which therapists dream of succeeeding at.The outcome is a happy event which any therapist,novice or veteran,will find useful.From the original Forward…”This book that you are holdingcon sti tutes an important part of my integration of severalcontemporary psychotherapies with the orientation taught me by Milton H.Erickson and the modeling principles used by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in their work which subsequently led to their development of Neuro-Linguistic pro gram ming.This book con sti tutes an important piece of my understanding of psychological level communication and its use in therapy.””The closest thing to a basic beginning manual to NLP.It spells out in the most understandable fashion the basic concepts and tools of a model which could offer people a change to reclaim control of their lives.”–Daniel Goleman,Ph.D.SynopsisFirst published in 1980, this book is still considered the basic primer for understanding NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). The author demonstrates all the basic techniques for change and relates these to other established schools of psychotherapy. “The closest thing to a basic beginning manual to NLP. It spells out in the most understandable fashion the basic concepts and tools of a model which could offer people a chance to reclaim control of their lives.” Daniel Goleman, PhD


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