Lee Morrison – Lee Morrison Book Collection
Lee Morrison Book Collection
[10 PDFs]
This exclusive material is brought to you by those who have participated in the…Lee Morrison Books Group BuyStatus: CLOSED**** elib.tech Exclusive **** Help us keep this site, your most helpful resource, all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.You will absolutely be banned from this site if you share this material outside.Thanks for keeping our exclusive community so awesome!Product Description:Seven titles from fight instructor Lee Morrions! (three of the titles are split into two PDFs each).Street Applied Combative PrinciplesThis full colour 175-page manual covers all elements relating to Street-Applied Combative Principles.Topics include:Definition of Street CombativesStaying Safe and Street Smart in an Urban/City Environment at home and abroadProblems to know and avoidSoft SkillsThreat Recognition SkillsSituational ControlVerbal De-Escalation SkillsGame Plan/Scenario ApplicationUnderstanding Predatory Body Language & Behavioural CuesTools & TargetingHard Skill DynamicsFundamentals of Impact DynamicsContinuous Attack Principles/DynamicsDealing with Edged WeaponsDealing with Impact WeaponsCounter Offence/Default Response UnderstoodAnti-Grappling at ECQCombatively Applied Skills from ConfinementDealing with Multiple AssailantsThird Party Protection & InterventionDealing with a Trained FighterAnd much more…Urban Combatives Manual Volume 1I revised all three original UC books into two A4-sized manuals, in which I have included updated material, additional text and clearer photos. I have of course stayed with what I believe to be important – that being the need to ‘chip away the unessentials’ as Bruce Lee once said.The revision is not about an accumulation of material as we all know the importance of a compressed curriculum. I just feel that I have grown both as a writer and a student since I wrote those books, and would like to give a piece of that to the people I care about.Topics include:The history of combativesPre-emptive strikingDealing with fear and adrenalineCombatives strikingCombatives fighting techniques and methodsAnd much more…Urban Combatives Manual Volume 2I revised all three original UC books into two A4-sized manuals, in which I have included updated material, additional text and clearer photos. I have of course stayed with what I believe to be important – that being the need to ‘chip away the unessentials’ as Bruce Lee once said.The revision is not about an accumulation of material as we all know the importance of a compressed curriculum. I just feel that I have grown both as a writer and a student since I wrote those books, and would like to give a piece of that to the people I care about.Topics include:The history of combativesPre-emptive strikingDealing with fear and adrenalineCombatives strikingCombatives fighting techniques and methodsAnd much more…Street Safe: Civilian Self-Protection220 pages of solid wisdom and cutting edge information that you simply cannot afford to be without!Understanding the Enemy:Contributing factors to violenceYob CultureMulti Cultural SocietyBinge DrinkingDomestic ViolenceStreet career criminalUnderstanding the street criminal’s M.OUnderstanding the criminal mindPre-conflict cues to violenceUnderstanding aggressive & deceptive body languageUnderstanding Yourself:Understanding the Survival Stress ResponseUnderstanding FearExpectationSide effects of adrenalinePositive effectsDe-sensitizationSoft Skills:The game planAwareness & ObservationPreparednessTarget HardeningSituational ControlLooking at our OptionsNatural Resources & Bodily WeaponsHard Skills:Targets & ToolsPhysical armoryCombative PrinciplesBasic StrikesThe Palm Strike/Slap/Hammer-fist/Elbow Strike/Knee StrikeTake downs & FinishersCombination AttacksThe use of neck restraintsThird Party InterventionSecondary tools/biting/gouging etcImprovised Weapons:Integrated use of Improvised weaponsThe use of your environmentImprovised Weapon summaryCombative Mentality:State ManagementState AccessReframing Perspectives & BeliefsModelingSituational Offense:Dealing with Common AttacksThe Default ResponseMultiple assailant strategies (wolf pack mentality)Going to groundCommon Street AttacksStreet RobberyHappy slappingPub/Night club fightsCar JackingRoad RageAttempted abductionThe edged weapon threat:Stats on knife crimeThe laws relating to blade carryExamples of edged weaponsA Knifer’s M.OFouling the drawUnarmed against the knife?Counter knife principlesKnife hold upsModern terrorism:The threat of modern day terrorismWhat can you do?Bombs & suspect packagesCar/Vehicle bombsReporting suspected terrorist activityA to H profilingGiving a descriptionDealing with a bomb threatEvacuation procedureModern Urban skills:Training, Preparation & IntelligenceNeural Based Scenario TrainingLess-than-lethal alternativesFirearms TrainingImpact & Edged Weapon TrainingTactical medical knowledgeEmergency drivingKIT:Money/fundsCommunicationsMulti-purpose toolsIlluminationFirst Aid kitsUK Law relating to Self-Protection:Types of UK lawCategories of OffencesPre-emption and the lawThe law and Self DefenceThe Use of ForceGiving a StatementUp Close; Nothing PersonalThis is the first in a series of manuals which covers subjects such as fear, pre-emptive striking, the Fence, Combatives striking techniques (swivel punch, chin jab, axe hand etc), Combatives fighting methods (cycling, covering, etc), and more.The Combative Use of Improvised WeaponsThe objective of this instructional program is to educate the student of Modern day Combatives and to bring to light just some of the ways that an improvised weapon can be employed for Combative use in the extreme circumstances of Self-Preservation; when no other non-physical alternative exists.his work is a combined effort by CQB instructors Lee Morrison and John Deacon in association with each instructor’s respective Company (Urban Combatives and I.M.P.A.C.T., respectively).Contents:ForewordIntroductionThe Combative use of improvised weaponsKey moduleKey sequenceBunched keys attackThe watch strikeWatch sequence oneWatch sequence twoUsing the pen & mobile phoneAttack sequence one (mobile phone)Attack sequence two (mobile phone)Pen & access methodsThe appendix drawThe pikal drawBiro pen & carry drawAccess & deployment drillsConfined access & deploymentThe use of the umbrella & similar shaped itemsUse of the environmentArtifice & the deployment of concealed weaponsThe tie dagger deceptionEd Sullivan deception oneEd Sullivan deception twoFlashlight moduleFlash to bash methodFlashlight sequence one (sleeve concealment)Flashlight sequence two (belt loop carry)Flashlight sequence three (pocket carry)Boiling liquid attackChin-jab with cup oneChin-jab with cup twoThe use of the beer bottleThe improvised Billy Jack coshMiscellaneous make-shift weaponsAround the homeIn the kitchenIn the carSummaryHome workVisualisation/physical drillFurther training adviceAbout the authorsUnder current UK and European law it is a criminal offence to carry a weapon of any description for the purpose of self-defence. While in some parts of Europe they are slightly more lenient on the carry of small folding knives and even OC pepper spray this is certainly not the case for the United Kingdom . However, there are situations, especially if you have the honest belief that your life is in danger, when the use of a weapon may be necessary. In such a situation using a weapon may be the only option that you have in order to survive. In which case an improvised or make shift weapon may be the only answer.Almost any object that you can pick up and hold in your hand can be used as a weapon. Everyday house hold items can be used or converted into formidable, makeshift weapons. objects not normally thought of as weapons are often close to hand and with quick thinking and a little imagination almost anything can be used in the self-preservation sense.We certainly would not recommend that anyone carries a weapon for combative use, by design. As we have already said, such items are illegal in most countries, and it is highly probable that you would end up in more trouble with the law than your attacker would for defending yourself with an illegal weapon. As unfair as this seems the argument always comes up that if you carry such a weapon on your person in a pre-meditated state then you may indeed be looking for trouble and might not have had the said item, for just the sole purpose of self-defence. If this is the view that the courts take on such a matter, then it will be considered that you have committed an offence and you can be sure that the law will takes its course.The law clearly identifies a weapon as: any article made or adapted to cause injury to, or incapacitate a person, to destroy or damage property or intended by the person having it with them for such use, whether by them or another person. As we already know, the law does not apply to the criminal factions which means that a would-be assailant could be carrying a weapon (indeed the safest option is to always assume that they are) thus putting you as the potential victim, at a great disadvantage.With that being as it may, we still have the obligation of our own self-protection and that of our loved ones therefore we need to make up this void; and the combative use of an improvised weapon can helps us do just that. Understand that in order to effectively employ any aspect relating to personal Self-Protection; including that of your family, one must effectively vanquish any inner voice of doubt – “I can’t” or “I shouldn’t” – in order to overcome such moral or spiritual conflicts. Such hesitation caused through a divided heart can and will jeopardise your ability to strike back when seconds count and your survivability is at stake.Many of you may find the use of aggressive force and the subject of weapons repugnant – but this is the real world, and the sad fact is that there are people out there who will hurt you and yours. In some cases for no other reason than they can. Understand that Self-Preservation is necessary; evening up the odds through whatever means available, is necessary.So if shit and fan do meet, you need to be prepared to do what needs to be done in order to keep your quality of life therefore instead of shunning such aggression, try and view it as a possible resource. A resource that, God willing, you will never need to employ. But the thinking goes surely it is better to have such ability and never need it, than to need such ability and never have it.Please read and view this offering with an open mind and as always absorb what is personally useful to you. Stay Safe!The Last ResortThis in-depth manual acts as a great complement to the Last Resort DVD Set also available from UC Publishing.Topics include:An introduction to Counter Grappling (a last resort)Secondary tools from ECQStriking from restrictionBitingGouging, ripping and tearingBallistic manipulationUse of your environmentCombative takedownsFinishersThe combative use of neck restraintsSubject control and restraintOffensive and counter vertical grapplingGround fightingCountering the tackleCounter-offensive horizontal grapplingPinning for controlAttacking from the pinsEscaping from the pinsPassing the guard/street styleAll-out free grapplingGrappling orientated weapon access and deploymentWeapon retention skills
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