Leil Lowndes – Goodbye to Shy
Goodbye to Shy
[3 MP3s]
www.goodbyetoshy.com/Are you tired of others saying that you’re too quiet? Weary of the fear of others judging you, making mistakes, or not knowing what to say?Learn the secrets of overcoming shyness from someone who’s been there with the Goodbye to Shy course.You can conquer fear, worry, and anxiety. It’s your turn to experience the freedom of speaking without fear.With greater social confidence, you can:Get that Promotion: Whether you’ve recently realized that you’re in danger of being overlooked for a promotion because your boss doesn’t see you as leadership material… or facing a potential layoff and know you’ll need to impress a future employer, you’ll think to yourself, “I know I can get out there and show them that I’m the right person for the job…”Talk to Anybody: Have you ever had the experience of “going blank” when you attempt to start a conversation? Have you ever lost your voice completely when you speak to a group? How good would it feel to be so relaxed and natural that others really listen when you talk, enjoy talking with you, and come away with a positive impression of you?Win Good Friends: You’re at a meeting, and you want to ask one of the members out for coffee to get to know them better. You’re scared that you’ll be rejected or won’t know what to say. Will you be able to turn this acquaintance into a friend? Yes, once you know the secrets of building successful relationships.Start a Romance: You see that special, attractive someone across a crowded room. You long to go over and talk to them but find yourself holding back. But now you flip the script. You boldly approach the person with a smile and speak with ease and assurance, completely comfortable in your own skin and convinced that this person has to get to know you better because you are a great person to get to know.You can achieve results like these.Have Fun
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