Levent – Ultimate Guide to Linking Rings
Levent – Ultimate Guide to Linking Rings
[4 DVDs – VOBs – NTSC]
[quote]Levent`s Ultimate Guide To The Linking RingsThis monumental FOUR DVD set will teach you the Linking Ring routines of the greats in magic, including Chung Ling Soo, Roy Benson, Dai Vernon, Robert-Houdin , and Paul Potassy among many others. . Sleight- of- hand master Levent gives you the step by step moves and techniques you need to perform this spectacular magic stage effect. His Instructions range from the most simple and basic steps to complex and difficult sleights. As a bonus Levent includes the secrets of his own 11 ring routine. This is the most comprehensive work to date on this ancient magic trick. Over SEVEN HOURS LONG![/quote][quote]Everything you ever wanted to know about this amazing and timeless magic effect.Seven hours of sleights, tricks and routines of the Masters.Featuring Levent’s original 11-ring routine.Plus the Linking Ring routines of Roy Benson, Chung Ling Soo, Dai Vernon, Robert-Houdin, Claudius Odin, Paul Potassy, Jack Miller and others.[/quote][quote]DISC ONETitles & IntroductionHistory of the RingsTHE PROPSRing Sizes & MaterialsSets of RingsSecret of the RingsTypes of Key RingsColor-Coded RingsHANDLING THE KEYStandard MoveKey TossKey TwirlCellini TiltJennings SwipeVernon SpinSlydini SpinMiller SpinJennings SwitchHanding Out KeysCOUNTSDrop CountWrist CountSoo MovesOdin CountBrooke CountLevent CountSpecial Rings for CountsFitzkee CountFitzkee Count 2Farelli CountRecapLINKING MOVESBasic LinkPascoe UnlinkDe’Rose DelayTwirl LinkSpin UnlinkVernon Twist(Running Time 1:53)DISC TWOTitlesLINKING MOVES (cont.)Pull ThroughPerpendicular PenDr. Sawa MoveTilt SeparationShoulder DropIn The AirAl Koran LinkOver The ArmDouble Over ArmCarroll MoveRoss FinaleThru The ArmSilent MeltCLOSED KEY MOVESClosed Key TechCapehart UnlinkCRASH LINKSCrash LinkBlocked LinkSilent CrashSilent 360Laurant CrashMULTI-RING MOVESOne Off ThreeTriple UnlinkDe’Rose TeardropDe’Rose DropWells MoveHalsall MoveKey Neck RuseRING TOSSINGRing TossWong TossFoo TossSilent TossKEYLESS OPENERSIntroductionBody LoadsNon-Body LoadsFALSE LINKSIntroductionFALSE LINK SWITCHESOdin SwitchWaller SwitchFitzkee SwitchHilliard SwitchTips on SwitchesChamo ClashWeber Emergency MoveFALSE LINK CRASHESSide SlapWeber MovePerpendicular CrashVictor MoveCrash TipsSPECIAL RING LINKSArm to ArmSweep LinkJACOBS LADDERSBottom to TopFalling RingDewdropDrop MoveAdams DropFIGURESIntroduction3-Ring Figures4-Ring FiguresCOMEDYComedy with Rings(Running Time 1:55)DISC THREETitlesTHE ROUTINESIntroductionROBERT-HOUDIN 12-RINGIntroductionPerformanceExplanationCHUNG LING SOO 12-RINGIntroductionPerformanceAbout the Re-creationExplanationAlternate Routine IntroPerformanceExplanationCLAUDIUS ODIN 8-RINGIntroductionPerformanceExplanationAlternate EndingCARDINI 6-RINGIntroductionPerformanceExplanationDAI VERNON 4-RINGIntroductionPerformanceAbout the Re-creationExplanationPAUL POTASSY 8-RING IntroductionPerformanceExplanationJACK MILLER 5-RINGIntroductionPerformanceAbout the RoutineThe Miller RingExplanation(Running Time 1:55)DISC FOURTitlesROY BENSON 11-RINGIntroductionPerformanceAbout the routinePreparationExplanationDAI VERNON 6-RINGIntroductionPerformanceAbout the routineExplanationRICHARD ROSS 4-RINGIntroductionPerformanceAbout the RoutinePreparationExplanationLEVENT AND THE RINGSIntroductionJUGGLING RINGSPerformanceExplanationROPE & RINGIntroductionPerformanceExplanation3- RING ROUTINEIntroductionAbout FinalesTransitional RoutinesPerformanceExplanationEASY 8-RINGIntroductionPerformancePreparationExplanation11-RING ROUTINEIntroductionPerformanceAbout the routinePreparationExplanationFinal wordsCredits(Running Time 1:56)DVD CHAPTER LIST
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