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Please do not share it outside of They deserve to get many customers so please do not upload it to public trackers. Thank you.https://www.liveexercise.com Program 01 (ep. 001 to 018) – Moderate – Classic BodybuildingClassic Bodybuilding – This is the first 30 day program for the Liveexercise workout, Chiseled. This is where it all began and is a great place to start. Series 1 is a classic bodybuilder split and is designed to build quality muscle. Nothing fancy here, just a classic Bodybuilder split (we split the muscle group into separate routines for separate days ) to work the muscles hard, break them down, and then work them again when they have full repaired.Chiseled Program 02 (ep. 019 to 036) – Moderate – Classic BodybuildingClassic Bodybuilding – This program once again is following a classic bodybuilder split. The muscle groups are split into three separate days and are worked three times every two weeks. Rep ranges are between 15 and 20. This series also introduces some super sets to increase the intensity, and changes which muscle groups are combined for the different days.Chiseled Program 03 (ep. 037 to 054) – Moderate – Classic BodybuildingClassic Bodybuilding – This is the third program based on a classic bodybuilder split. The muscle groups are split into three separate days and are worked three times every two weeks. This program adheres to the plan which tears down the muscle with super hard sessions, and then work them again right when they have finished repairing. Rep ranges are between 15 and 20. This series once again changes which muscle groups are combined for the different days.Chiseled Program 04 (ep. 055 to 074) – Moderate – Super SetsSuper Sets – This program takes advantage of super sets. Super sets can be advantageous because you can eliminate the usual rest time between sets. Instead of doing a set of a certain exercise and then taking 45 seconds to a minute rest before the next set, you can quickly start a set for another muscle group, or different muscle. Not only will you build better muscular endurance, but you will complete a much more extensive workout is a fraction of the time.Chiseled Program 05 (ep. 081 to 098) – Difficult – Tabata/Decreasing RepsTabata / Decreasing Reps – This program combines two training methods to enhance and increase your results. The first method is Tabata sets. Tabata sets are cycles of sets for 20 seconds of reps followed by 10 seconds of rest. A full Tabata is 8 cycles. For this workout we will only be doing a half Tabata, so 4 cycles. Each workout will pair Tabata sets with decreasing reps. Decreasing reps will require you to increase your resistance and drop your target repetitions number every 2 workouts. So, by the last workout for the non-Tabata sets you should be using more resistance and performing less reps for every set.Chiseled Program 06 (ep. 099 to 116) – Moderate – Varying Speed SetsVarying Speed Sets – The point of this workout is to take advantage of the benefits that are provided using by varying the speed of the repetitions in a set. There are three types of reps that will be utilized: fast and explosive to build muscle power and burn more calories, slow on the negative (a count of 3 on the eccentric phase) to enhance muscle growth and endurance, and typical speed (moderate and controlled) to build strength, as well as size and endurance. All three rep ranges will be performed in different sets for the same exercise. In the end, you build muscle power, size, endurance, strength, and get leaner. Get ready because the burn in the muscle is super intense!Chiseled Program 07 (ep. 117 to 132) – Moderate – Push/PullPush / Pull – This is a staggered set type of workout where you pair a pushing exercise with a pulling exercise and do them back-to-back. Each exercise pair is designed to combine opposite movements (body position and movement are critical) for optimal results. Pairing exercises like this has multiple benefits. The most obvious is that it cuts the workout time in half. The next obvious is that it boosts your training intensity and therefore the increases fat loss. The third benefit (which is less known) is that when you do a pulling exercise after a pushing exercise or vice versa, the muscle power and strength that you can exert on that second exercise is increased.Chiseled Program 08 (ep. 133 to 148) – Difficult – Variable Speed RepsVariable Speed Reps – This program takes advantage of using different speeds for the repetitions. Doing reps at different speeds creates different results. Fast and explosive reps build muscle power and burns more calories, super slow (a count of 5 on the positive and a count of 5 on the negative) can enhance muscle growth and endurance, and typical speed (moderate and controlled)  builds strength, as well as size and endurance. This program utilizes all three rep ranges in every single set by doing the first 5 reps explosively, then doing the next five reps super slow, and finishing with the last 5 reps in a normal rep speed (about 1-2 seconds on the positive and  the same on the negative).Chiseled Program 09 (ep. 149 to 166) – Moderate – Triple ThreatTriple Threat – This program is called “Triple threat” because for each muscle group you will move quickly between three exercise for the same muscle group. It is truly a triple super set, per muscle group. The goal is to work the muscle group to its limits and beyond for complete exhaustion, and recruitment of more muscle fibers. This program places each muscle group under a tremendous amount of stress. What happenes to a muscle when we place it under new stresses? It reponds by getting bigger and stronger.Chiseled Program 10 (ep. 171 to 186) – Difficult – Isometric/IsotensionIsometric/Isotension – This program utilizes two different training methods to make the muscles stronger and harder. The method that will make the muscles stronger and more powerful is Isometric Tension (holding a contraction against tension). We create this within each set by performing a static hold (hold the contraction) for 20 seconds at the end of the set. This gets paired with isotension holds in between sets. Isotension is when we create tension in the muscle by contracting the muscle without an extrenal source of resistance (think Charles Atlas). Get your sleep before these workouts because they will Zap every last ounce of energy


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