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Living Luminaries – On The Serious Business of Happiness

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website www.livingluminaries.comtrailer Living LuminariesLiving Luminaries (on The Serious Business of Happiness) — a powerful new motion picture featuring the insights of the consciously evolved A-list of stars in the Cultural Creative* movement. Here are some of the people that you will meet in “Living Luminaries”:Best selling authors such as Marianne Williamson, (A Return to Love, Illuminata), Eckhart Tolle (the Power of Now) , Don Miguel Ruiz (The Four Agreements), Gary Renard author of (Disappearance of the Universe), Matthew Kelly (Seven Levels of Intimacy) and many more Luminaries;Religious and spiritual leaders such as Nachum Shiffren (The Surfing Rabbi), Rev. Robert A. Schuller (of the Crystal Cathedral), the Venerable Tibetan Lama Chodak Gyatso Nupka, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Don Jose Ruiz, Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey, Dr. Harry Morgan Moses.Outspoken advocates of civil rights, Geronimo Ji Jaga (Black Panther – aka. Geronimo Pratt), contemporary thinkers and enlightened teachers such as Obadiah S. Harris, Ph.D. (of the University of Philosophical Research), PhD Robert Frager, Rabbi Yitchok Adlerstein of Loyola University and Rev.Dr. William S. Epps.Our young seeker’s journey reaches some of the foremost, most inspirational individuals of our day. Change your life, Now, and join him on the journey…


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