Loren Cordain – The Dietary Cure for Acne
Loren Cordain – The Dietary Cure for Acne.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]
A scientifically documented program that will make you acne free for life.With 174 scientific references, The Dietary Cure for Acne thoroughly documents and then clearly explains the ultimate causes of acne. Written by internationally recognized researcher Loren Cordain, Ph.D., this is the only scientifically documented program that directly addresses all four known causes of acne … and the only program shown to clear acne blemishes in a human clinical trial.If you suffer from acne you’re probably tired of all the hype – the creams, lotions, and scrubs that only provide minor improvement … the expensive prescription drugs with their side effects and only marginally better results … and the books by so-called “experts” that make big promises but have little science to back them up.This acne program will help you understand the scientific basis of why diet matters in keeping your skin acne free. It provides a simple plan, that when implemented, gets results quickly. This very specific diet is the ultimate and natural acne cure.If you’re like most people, you’ve probably tried many remedies to rid yourself of acne. Perhaps you’ve spent a small fortune on creams, ointments, and scrubs, with only modest results. If you’ve gone to a dermatologist, you may have been prescribed antibiotics, birth control pills, Accutane, or other expensive drugs with various side effects.You may have thought that diet is related to acne, maybe you’ve tried vegan diets, raw food diets, or maybe you’ve tried to avoid chocolate or fried foods – all to little or no avail. You may have even read books whose authors claimed their diet could cure your acne by removing the so-called “impurities” responsible for acne … or through other vague, mysterious and non-scientific mechanisms.The reason that none of these remedies cured your acne is simply because none of these remedies addressed the fundamental causes of acne.So are you doomed to have acne forever? Not at all! But you can certainly give up the cost and inconvenience of prescription drugs, and the hype and the junk-science that permeates most discussions of natural acne cures.More resources:TheDietaryAcneCure.comFollowing the Dietary Cure for Acne – Top 10 Tips.pdfAudio interview on Health Talk Radio with Dr. Ronald Hoffmand and Dr. Loren Cordain about the Dietary Cure for Acne and the Paleo DietLoren Cordain – The Paleo Diet [1 ebook – PDF]ThePaleoDiet.com
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