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Louann Md Brizendine – The Female Brain

The Female Brain.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



Much thanks goes to the guy who helped in the process of decoding this book and making it available for everyone on elib!Description:From Alex (RSD), Recommendation:I had just finished a bootcamp in Winnipeg. Closed the deal and had a huge week lined up in LA. Flight was delayed so I perused the bookstore looking for something new and exciting.There on the shelf, in its entire eye catching marketing glamour was the book that completely turned my program and my game on its head. The book that would confirm academically a lot of the theories and experiences that I already knew. It gave me the most important perspective than any guy who has the intentions of improving this part of his life need to be aware of.Sceptically I inspected the book, guessed that it would be like so many other anecdotal, quick fix ‘how to flirt’ piece of shit books out there. Reading the info about the author i quickly discovered that her expertise was verified with decades of experience in the field of relationship psychology and neuropsychology.Basically put, it described the mechanical workings of the brain. The Author, Louann Brizendine M.D. is a neuropsychiatrist at the university of California and the founder of women’s and girl’s mood and hormone clinic. If anyone from the academic area is qualified to offer insight into the working of a female mind it is this woman.The book is primarily designed to address the differences between male and female brains, as Brizendine argues all research on the brain has historically presumed that it is a male brain in question. More than anything the book contrasts the differences between male and female brains, development, hormonal characteristics and the behaviour that one could expect in light of certain neurological activity.At university this was the focus of my studies and I thoroughly benefited from and enjoyed this book.Although a lot of amazing epiphanies are outlined in this book the ones most applicable to men’s self actualisation and understanding of social dynamics I will cover in detail.Being a biologist Brizendine is an advocate of evolutionary theory and supports all of her facts empirically from this perspective. The basic idea is that emotionally, we are essentially monkeys with a cognitive computer strapped on top. In addition to this it is presupposed knowledge that the more a person performs a certain activity the more brain cells are assigned to that task. This overtly supports the Real Social Dynamics directive to get into field.On an emotional level, humans have the reproductive emotional brains of cats, dogs or chimpanzees, but, evolved a higher cognitive brain to consciously regulate these emotions, build pyramids, design computers and develop medicine.—————Exclusive since I searched a hell of a lot of sites and found it nowhere.


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