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Louie Simmons – The Westside Barbell Book of Methods

Westside Barbell Book of Methods.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]


The Westside Barbell Book Of MethodsExclusive product… Please Don’t Share Elsewhere!!!Over the many years that Louie Simmons has been involved in powerlifting he has gained a vast amount of knowledge on how to produce strength. It is this knowledge that has produced numerous national and world champions in different sports, like World record holder 400m dash Harry “Butch” Reynolds. Also, Louie’s methods of training have resulted in thirty 700 pound benchers and twelve 1000 pound squaters to date. Westside has provided information across the World but those numbers are results from members of those actually training at Westside Barbell. As a result of Louie’s experience and knowledge over, 100 training articles have been published and 7 training video’s produced. Louie is a strength consultant for the Clevland Brown, Green Bay Packers, New England Patriots, Seattle Seahawks, and numerous college football teams and athletes from around the world. Finally, Louie put has all his knowledge into one book called The Westside Barbell Book of Methods. Inside you will find over 236 pages full of training advice. Here are just some of the things that are coveredConjugate MethodMaximal Effort MethodDynamic Effort Method Repeated Effort Method Contrast MethodReactive MethodContest Preparation Overcoming platuesGeneral Physical Preparation Special Exercise Training Plyometric Training Misinformation on Strength Training and much much more


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