Louise Annette – Ageless If You Dare Video
Louise Annette – Ageless If You Dare Video
[1 WMV]
eBook: best-kept secret in modern beauty, Ageless if you Dare is a brief, intense facial exercise and massage system designed to lift and light up the face. 20,000 copies have been sold by word of mouth. Even though Ageless if you Dare defies accepted ideas about skincare and does things most people think are Bad the results show that it works.The 5-minute workout breathes life into the structures that support the skin and give the face its natural lift. Conventional beauty advice has encouraged people to neglect their faces and allow them to atrophy and wither. Ageless will lift the face high and wide like a smile or a facelift. Its principles are as fundamental to looking good as exercise is to the body. ‘I can’t fathom how these ‘simple’ easy to do exercises are making such a huge difference in my face’ Jasmine Rosey, USA.It’s not about hanging on to a younger face, preserving faint echoes of what it once was, A face doesn’t need to be stitched, stuffed or mummified into an imitation of a 20 year old face; its beauty is flesh and blood. One goes onward with it, looking more beautiful instead of less old. Your older face says something about who you are. Every woman has her own aura and her own magic, and everyone has the potential to bring theirs out into the light.http://www.agelessifyoudare.org/
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