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Love Systems-Interview Series Vol. 62 Social Proof (5.0 and Farmer)

Social Proof



!! KEEP THIS AT  OR YOU WILL BE BANNED FOR EVER !!GB you were part of the original groupbuy, one year has passed so recontribute to continue receiving the interview series monthly.You can still get in on this Groupbuy, contact Ballin123Women consider it highly attractive when a man appears to be popular in a group setting, whether he is already obviously well acquainted with everyone at a party, or simply cold approaching all the patrons at a bar and receiving positive reactions from them. Social Proof generates attraction by displaying status and desirability and also is helpful in building comfort as you are perceived by her as a trustworthy and normal guy. On this interview, instructors 5.0 and Farmer discuss the importance of Social Proof from their own personal experiences, and teach you how to build legitimate Social Proof as well as artificial Social Proof.On this interview, you will learn:    * The definition of Social Proof    * Why Social Proof is important    * The theory of thinslicing    * The two types of Social Proof    * The importance of shortsetting    * How you can immediately build Social ProofQuotes From The Interview”If you short-set bars, your thinslice will be massively improved”5.0″If you take her to a place where all the people are talking to you, it takes the pressure off on the first date because you don’t have to talk to her the entire time”FarmerRatio Free  –  Contributors .Standard Dates will be set when the rest of the material is posted.Elite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeks  or contributeUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute


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