Love Systems Interview Series Vol 63 On Conversation Techniques (Soul and Starlight)
IVS Vol. 63 On Conversation Techniques
!! KEEP THIS AT OR YOU WILL BE BANNED FOR EVER !!GB you were part of the original groupbuy, one year has passed so recontribute to continue receiving the interview series monthly.You can still get in on this Groupbuy, contact Ballin123Conversation between a man and a woman should ideally be fun and interesting for both parties. Even if you own both Routines Manuals and have plenty of material at your disposal, you will need to understand the framework of a conversation and know how to properly incorporate these routines into a conversation in order to keep it flowing. There are actually special techniques you can use to gather information about the woman, share your success stories and introduce certain topics, as instructors Soul and Starlight will share on this eye-opening interview.Some of the points covered on this interview are: * Why conversation techniques are important * How conversation techniques fit within the Triad Model * What topics are good and bad to discuss * How to keep a conversation flowing * How you can tell if the girl is genuinely interested in the conversation * Where do most men go wrong in conversation? * What you can do if you run out of things to say * How to properly work routines into a conversation * What you can do if you’re not used to conversing with strangers * How to avoid turning a conversation into an interrogation * Favorite conversation techniques used by Soul and StarlightRatio Free – Contributors .Standard Dates will be set when the rest of the material is posted.Elite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeks or contributeUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute
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