M.S. Valiathan – The Legacy of Caraka
M.S. Valiathan – The Legacy of Caraka
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Product DescriptionCaraka, the master physician, is believed to have lived in the first century A.D. The Samhita composed by him forms the bedrock of ayurvedic practice today. His contribution to India’s cultural inheritance was profound. Caraka Samhita was, in fact, a revision of an older text Agnivesa Tantra, which was written several centuries before Caraka’s time. This book retells the Samhita in a new format. Instead of adhering to the sequence of the Sthanas in the original, the author has retold the Samhita through thematically structured chapters, in contemporary idiom. The retelling has involved some degree of restructuring and condensation but has ensured that whatever is stated can be traced back to the original.Product Details * Hardcover: 634 pages * Publisher: Orient Longman (January 1, 2003) * ISBN-10: 8125025057 * ISBN-13: 978-8125025054If you have the time to contribute back please OCR and Proofread this book.I recommend ABBYY Finereader 10 for doing this work in an easy way.If you plan to do that please leave a comment here so the effort won’t be duplicated by others. Please post back the final pdf and I’d also appreciate the work files as well (please PM if you do).
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