Majid Ali – The Crab, Oxygen, and Cancer Vol. 1+2
Majid Ali – The Crab, Oxygen, and Cancer
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Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!This product is brought to you by Majid Ali (Integrative Health) Books/Trainings GB Protocol for Cancer ControlI tell my patients receiving chemotherapy for cancer to be very diligent to keep their oxygen systems working well because the long-term results in most cases depend more on oxygen than on chemotherapy. For preserving oxygen systems, my priorities are: spiritual healing gentle daily bowel-blood-liver detox gentle limbic exercise spices herbs castor and other oils nutrient supplementationOxygen, the Motivator; Oxygen, the DisciplinarianOxygen is the organizing principal of human biology and governs the aging process. In the evolutionary “oxygen kaleidoscope of life,” one would expect oxygen to be both a great motivator and a strict disciplinarian for all cells in the body, promoting cellular perfection of means and damming down cellular confusion of goals when that develops—old Albert had it right. Oxygen has its own order of gas pedals and brake pedals.The oxygen kaleidoscope of life has many molecular checkpoint pathways to prevent mutated and malignant (cancer by another name) cells from multiplying rapidly, forming tumor masses, and then striking out with distant metastasis. Some of these pathways negatively regulate cellular defense functions—functioning as “cellular brakes” so to speak—of T and B lymphocytes. Under oxygen-deprived conditions, malignant cells survive by activating these cellular brakes and disabling cellular defenses. Notable among such cellular self-braking pathways are BRAF, CTLA-4, and PD-1 systems.Oxygen Protocol for Cancer ControlI offer details of my Oxygen Protocol for Cancer Control in my two-volume series entitled The Crab, Oxygen and Cancer. Volume I: The Dysox Model of Cancer and Volume II: The Oxygen Protocol for the Treatment of Cancer (2007).Reviews:5 stars brilliance of simplicitymajid ali’s groundbreaking disease concept laid over the cancer problemacy, regular medicine as always takes no notice,even medicallaymen can read an understand these books,that is perhaps the reasonthat they are below the scope of mainstream medicine.Someday there will come definitive scientifical evidence supportinghis theoretical always a big appreciation goes to trance33 for doing all the amazing OCRs.If you’d like to help us bring Majid Ali’s Integrative/Preventative Health materials to elib please consider pledging in Majid Ali GB.Access times:Contributors: Now, ratio-freeVIP+: 2 WeeksPU+: 8 WeeksUsers: upgrade to Power User
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