Marina Grubic – Low Fat Raw Vegan in a Temperate Climate
Low Fat Raw Vegan in a Temperat – Grubic, Marina.pdf
[ 1 ebook – 1 pdf ]
Description Exclusive and part of a Group Buy… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Brought to you by theGB status -OpenGB thread – HerePhase 2 Uploads – HereMarina Grubic – Low Fat Raw Vegan in a Temperate Climate…Product Description„Low Fat Raw Vegan in a Temperate Climate“ is a guide for preparing low fat, raw, vegan meals with ingredients typically not hard to find in a temperate climate. It contains five recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner plus a bonus – cake recipe. The recipes are accompanied with pictures and instructions (some of which are shown in step by step pictures), information about caloric values of each meal and caloronutrient ratio (the ratio of sugars, proteins and fats), as well as a brief explanation about breakfast, lunch and dinner on a low fat raw vegan diet. PLEDGE NOW TO GAIN ACCESS GB Thread … [/size]
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