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Mark Anastasi – How to Achieve Total Self-Confidence…Fast

How To Achieve Total Self-Confidence… FAST.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]


From the book:If you are reading these lines, you truly are a rare and special person indeed, and I feel privileged to have the opportunity to reach you through this e-book.Let me start off by saying that absolutely anyone can become totally self-confident.All you have to do is model what confident people say, do, believe, and what they focus on.It is an absolute fact that the most successful and self-confident people in the world today overcame the same self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy that plagues the majority of us.How did they turn that around? That’s what you will find out today.What you need to do to achieve Total Self-Confidence is simple, straightforward, and if you put my suggestions into practice you will have a brand new life by the end of the week.I Introduction 4- My Journey To Total Self-Confidence 5- My Outcomes 5- Your Outcomes 6- The Importance of Total Self-Confidence 6- What is Total Self-Confidence? 7- Total Self-Confidence Is Our Natural State Of Being and Our Birthright 8- The Key Is TAKING ACTION! 9- The Origins of a Lack Of Confidence 10II Self-Confidence Begins With Self-Analysis 14III Radical Self-Honesty and Accepting Total Responsibility For Your Life 15IV Complete With Your Past in order to Let Go Of Your Past 16V The Power of Knowing Your Outcome 19- Goal-Setting 19- Your Code Of Conduct & Your Board of Directors 22- Life-scripting 23- Visualization and Mental Rehearsals 24- Affirmations 25VI The Importance of Discipline 27VII The Importance of Integrity 28VIII The Importance Of Your Peer Group 29IX The Power of Mind Control 29X Putting Things In Perspective – What Things Really Mean 31XI Empowering Beliefs About Yourself 32XII Taking ACTION is KEY to achieving Total Self-Confidence 33XIII Overcoming Challenges Quickly, Effectively, and Positively 34XIV Overcoming Money Problems Once And For All 35XV Eliminate The Need For Approval 36XVI Getting Along With Others And Communicating Effectively 37XVII Create Empowering Rules For Yourself 38XVIII Constant Never-Ending Self Improvement And Total Self-Confidence 40XIX Destroying Limiting Beliefs And Creating A Confidence ‘Anchor’ 42XX Eliminating The Inauthentic Fears: Change, Failure, Success, and Rejection 51XXI The Bigger Picture 55- Play A Big Game, Reclaim Your Dreams, Dig Into Life And Be Joyful! 55- Focus On Helping OTHERS! 56- Quit Working Hard and Live Your Purpose! 57- Discover Your Purpose! 58- Being In The Flow Of Life 59- Spiritual Enlightenment and Total Self-Confidence 61XXII The Total Self-Confidence Action Plan – A Recap 63Final Thoughts 66


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