Mark Anastasi Interview
the placeMark_Anastasi_14th_Aug_2007.wma
[1 CD Rip -WMA]
Description…last year, Mark Anastasi turned over more than $2.7 million using a fail-proof system… no wonder he’s smiling” It’s allowed him to buy a 2 million dollar house in Cyprus It’s given him the freedom to go skiing in my favourite resort whenever he want to (that’s him skiing in the picture above on Mount Parnassos). It’s given him enough cash to do just about anything in life he wants to do when he wants to do it . NOW Finally I’ve persuaded Mark to share his secrets in a closed door tele-seminar for just 200 people, will you be smart enough to grab your spot now….. Now You Can Download This 90 Minute Tell All Teleseminar For FREE Read on to find out How!AND …Using his system, his eBooks actually grossed a massive $2.7 Million in just 12 months!He has cheques dropping into his mailbox for outrageous figures on a weekly and sometime daily basis.Numbers like, $4,000 plus, $2,000 plus, $1,000 plus. Some days his eBooks can pull in as much as $5 grand a day.And here’s the bit I personally love, he hardly spend an hour a week on his eBook business! If he spent any more time, Mark says, he wouldn’t get any time to go skiing, and enjoying his 10 trips aboard per year!Not bad for an ex-security guard from Oxford, England that used to get paid £3.50 ($7) per hour for a 12 hour shift … wouldn’t you agree? In Senegal relaxing at a luxury resort.My pride and joy … My 2 Million dollar home in Cyprus.AT LAST: I’ve persuaded Mark to share his secrets with me and a select group of my inner circle coaching members in this tell all tele-seminar. Join Me And Mark Anastasi … “How To Make $100,000 A Year With eBooks.” Tele – Seminar
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