Mark Joyner – Simpleology 103 – The Simple Science Of Personal Energy –
Mark Joyner – Simpleology 103
[MP3 + PDF]
Here’s the first secret I want to share with you …It’s so ridiculously simple, at first you might might be tempted to dismiss it, but that would be a big mistake. You’ll understand why.So, promise me …Promise me now …Ready?Say this aloud: “if someone taught me how to flip a switch I wouldn’t dismiss it as simple – I’d just enjoy this light.”Allow me now to show you a few of these switches.As you’ll see, this little secret while quite simple, is scientifically verifiable and also something you can plainly observe for yourself.People who make this change start to notice a big difference fast, and so will you!First, some vital background …Most of us are not aware that the process of digestion actually takes a whole lot of energy.In fact, we burn over 10% of our available “fuel” every day just digesting our food!So, what do we do?Can we turn off digestion?Of course not, but we can make the job of digestion easier – freeing up mountains of energy – with this little trick.Here it is …Remember your promise?Rule: chew every bite of food 30 times before swallowing.Silly, right?No. Actually more profoundly life-changing than you can possibly imagine.On this surface, this may sound like it wouldn’t do much, but we’re now discovering how many ways this practice unleashes our hidden energy.For example …Digestion starts in the mouth. If we skip that process, we only get a fraction of the nutritional value of our food.Next …Gulping down partially chewed food puts tremendous stress on our digestion and saps us of our vital energy via several pathways.And it gets worse, but hold up for a second.Tune in to your stomach right now …I mean it. Turn your attention to how your stomach feels for a quick moment.Are you there?I am willing to bet it doesn’t feel “right.”Now, I don’t know you, so why would I “bet” on this?Listen, I’m not a gambling man – I make “sure bets” and those are made by …from the National Institutes of Health(U.S. NIH)Over 70 million Americans are affected by various digestive diseases at any given timeMost disease goes untreated and unreported… real statistics and science – not by guesses or voodoo.So, it’s a pretty safe bet your “tummy” doesn’t feel so good right now, or that you remember a case of this from earlier in the day or yesterday.To make matters worse …Sometimes these digestive problems don’t even manifest in a sore stomach – only in fatique.This is one of many the easily-avoidable ways we chronically prevent our bodies from unleashing our available vitality.Now here’s the real kicker – not only does it sap our energy, but it weighs on our minds preventing clarity of thought.Anyone in chronic pain knows this quite well.You simply don’t function as well mentally when your body is in pain.But …Many times, simply correcting our chewing habits can open the energy floodgates by freeing up energy that was already there!And get this:This is only one of dozens of little “body hacks” like this that cumulatively can turn you into a “demon” in the board room, on “the courts,” and even in the … (I’ll let you finish that sentence so I don’t have to say something inappropriate)When you discover how simple and easy this is, you’ll only look back and laugh at how much money we’ve all wasted on bogus supplements and kooky magic tricks to put sloppy fix-it patches on our health.Here’s one more 0f dozens …The Real Truth About WaterThere are some things I’m about to tell you about water that will not only blow your mind, but will also have an almost immediate impact on your energy.First – most of the advice you get about drinking water is dangerously wrong.No one really knows for sure exactly how much water you should drink, and the blanket advice we get is pure hogwash.For example …”Drink 8 glasses a day.”Now, that may look like sound advice, but further analysis shows it’s an overly simplified “wives tail.”To be more blunt: “8 glasses a day” is actually a well established urban legend.As recently revealed by the American Journal of Physiology, there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support the popular 8-glasses-a-day theory.Now, none of these scientists at AJP are saying we don’t need water (that would be silly). It’s just that these overly simplified platitudes are not helping anyone’s health.What’s needed is real scientific information and not half-truths.What we do know is that “8 glasses a day” by itself is not good advice.First, you need to drink water regularly throughout the day. Drinking 8 glasses in the morning and thinking you’re “golden” for the day is actually dangerous.You should, in fact, hydrate every single hour. (On the next page we’ll give you a free tool to help you remember to do just that – and a lot more.)Many people who simply take up the habit of drinking a glass (or even half a glass – more about that in a minute) every hour notice their energy levels skyrocket.Why?Because most of us are chronically dehydrated.If you don’t think you are, try what I’m advising here for 48 hours and see what happens.Again, this is a statistically valid “safe bet.”Another safe bet: your tired all the time and you can’t figure out why.Dehydration making you tired?You bet.DizzinessChronic fatigueImpotenceHair lossHeadachesLow back painConstipationAnd more …Dehydration has been shown quite clearly to be linked to all of these. (Merck Manual of Health)OK, so you want to fix this …What next?Before you start gulping down, you need to know that “how much” depends on a lot of factors.It depends on your body size, how much you exercise, the climate in which you live, and more …Obviously if you live in a hot climate where you’re sweating all the time (a lot of the sweat is invisible – you don’t have to be dripping to be rapidly losing water all day long), you need more – a lot more.If you exercise even mildly – same thing.But there’s something important here.You may think drinking more water by itself is enough, but if you drink too much you can actually “overdose” on water.It sounds crazy, but there was even a widely publicized case where people were “holding their wee for Nintendo Wii” for a radio contest.The contestants were ordered to drink a high volume of water and hold their “wee” for as long as they could.One of the contestants died as a result.True story.Too much water can harm you by either “water intoxication” (as the above Wii casulty, may she rest in peace) or by “electrolyte” imbalance.Ah, electrolytes …Listen to this:See, the more water you drink, the more you need to replace your electrolytes.But before you go thinking you’re going to need to purchase some expensive fancy “electrolyte replacement” sports drinks, here’s the real deal:All you have to do is add a tiny pinch of sea salt to every gallon of filtered drinking water you drink and – voila! – you have all the electrolytes you need.Of course, the sports drink peddlers won’t tell you that. They’d have to sell you a whole lot of sea salt to make the same profit off your back!Not bad, huh?If you were simply to apply what we have shown you so far my “safe bet” is that you’d see a pretty significant bump in your energy.(There’s a whole lot more where that came from that – when combined in the right effortless away – will give you the energy for even the most demanding lifestyle and “juice” to spare for your wild nights. Read on …)But will you actually do it?It’s a damn good question.The thing about this kind of information is that hearing it is one thing.Applying it to your life is a whole ‘nother animal.My wish is not just to inform you, but to transform you.As you’ll see in a moment, we have developed an ingeniously simple system that will not only teach you the many various ways your naturally available energy is now leaving your body (and how to quickly and easily recapture it), but will also make sure you stay like this for the long haul.How can we do that?Haha – it’s a good question, and one that has taken many years to answer. I’ll show you how it’s done in a moment.First, here’s a little sample of what you’ll learn …from simple�œology 103:The Simple Science of Personal EnergyThe scientifically proven keys to naturally shred body fat without fad diets or drugs.(from Lessons 15-17)The one type of food you absolutely must eat to bring a healthy glow to your hair and skin – it won’t matter how many creams and potions you use if you don’t eat this.(from Lesson 30)WARNING: Don’t even think about popping another supplement pill until you do this first. (from Lesson 14)103 side effect: How to not just feel younger, but actually look younger, too. (You can look a lot younger than you think – without pills, scalpels, or needles.)(from Lesson 12)Most chronic pain is 100% avoidable if you know this secret …(from Lesson 6)The fable of The Sick Fish Who Lived in a Box and how knowing it may save your life (your friends and family, too).(from Lesson 2)Urban Legend: body-builders get super-lean and bulky by taking dangerous drugs and fad diets. Wrong! Even the most hard-core hunks will tell you that you can’t build muscle mass or burn fat without doing this first – no matter how many steroids you pump.(from Lesson 14)Amidst all the bogus health pills on the market, there is a white powder you can buy at your local Wal-Mart that will boost immunity, reduce stress, build muscle, and more-with zero side effects.(from Lesson 29)Yet another pair of side-effect-free substances that, when taken together, some scientists are saying is “as close to a fountain of youth as we’ll ever get.”(from Lesson 32)You’ll never suffer from constipation again if you eat this vitality-giving food.(from Lesson 17)The four foods you absolutely must eat to restore your youthful vibrance – no matter what diet plan you follow. Hint: they have nothing to do with the “four food groups” or the so-called “pyramid.”(from Lesson 17)Why waste thousands of dollars on bogus high-tech “ergonomics” when at almost any fitness store you can pick up what some call “the most ergonomic chair in the world” for 20 bucks?(from Lesson 21)It’s not just what you’re eating, but how you’re eating that can be the difference between being bed-ridden and bouncing-off-the-walls with energy.(from Lesson 15)The life-threatening myth spread by the “new-age” movement that can swiftly destroy your hope of having true vigor and happiness.(from Lesson 20)How “runaway brainware” is fogging up your mind and how to shut it down for good – no “positive thinking” or chanting required.(from Lessons 13, 20, 23, and 25)What 87% of all Americans do every night – unwittingly robbing your energy and rapidly speeding up the aging process.(from Lesson 18)The “10 Deadly Sources of Distress” practiced daily by almost everyone on the planet – but once easily removed, will open up the flood gates for fat loss, pain relief, a youthful appearance, and boundless energy.(from Lessons 15-24)And much more – but just as important as the what is the how – read on …Note that very little of what is taught here has anything to do with “positive thinking” or anything else you’ve been taught up to this point about energy.These are scientifically verified methods that …You can quickly observe for yourself from Day 1.Are compatible with any diet or exercise program you choose.Won’t require you to vary your routine.Do not require “faith” or wishful thinking – you’ll just feel the energy buzzing through you. You won’t be able to turn it off!True, you won’t find information like this compiled this objectively or verifiably anywhere else. That’s great, but without this all the knowledge in the world won’t amount to a hill of beans:Just as Important as What You’ll Learn is How You’ll Learn ItEvery simple�œology course is a fun and easy multi-media presentation based on the time-and-again proven technology of Learning and Behavioral Psychology.(We’re talking the real stuff here that works in real laboratories – not the hyped “instant change” fake psychology peddled by the self-help industry.)Animated Cartoon LessonsThese 5-minute engaging little “featurettes” will have you on the edge of your seat and lock this information into your brain in devious ways.Hilarious Retention-Building QuizzesYou’ll think you’re having a laugh-riot, but what will be going on “behind the scenes” while you laugh your butt off is that this information will be making profoundly deep connections in your brain.Memory JoggersThese distill the important essence of what you need to know into tiny sheets of paper so you can post them around your house to further reinforce your mastery.Easy Step-by-Step Course ChecklistYou’ll never have any mystery over what to do next. The course checklist makes it as “easy as pie.” Just tick off the boxes!Downloadable “Book on MP3” AudiosYou can slap these on your iPod, MP3 player, or burn them to CD for listening while you drive, work out, or go for a walk in the park …Just another way of reinforcing the lessons. (Are you beginning to see how serious we are about transforming you into an energy dynamo?)Your Virtuosity BookEvery bit of new knowledge we present you in one convenient location for easy reference any time.Habit BuilderBy the time you’re done with this ingeniously simple tool you won’t even remember what it was like to feel tired all the time.The “Bleeding Edge” of Learning and Behavioral PsychologyA combination of the long-proven (but rarely used) methods of Learning Psychology, well-proven methods of real Behavioral Modification, and high-tech multi-media put simple�œology on the bleeding-edge of technology.It simply works!Now, it’s important to note that the “health and wellness” industry with their magic potions and gadgets don’t want you to know all of this stuff.They enjoy making money off of keeping you sick.That’s a pretty harsh statement and one I shouldn’t make without “backing it up.”Well, here it is – plain and simple.Most of these companies are run by marketers – not by real people who are excited about helping others. They’re excited by money – not by results.See, a young entrepreneur decides one day he wants to open a business.He hears that “there’s a lot of money in the health” business so he looks for a product.A product – not a real solution.He’s counting “units sold” not – “lives changed.”And if his product doesn’t work – so much the better! – he will then sell you more deckchairs to decorate the titanic.I know a lot of these guys and they think it’s funny! It’s a game to see how much money they can get out of the “suckers.”Uh huh. Suckers who happen to have real families and real problems.That’s why we don’t have any financial ties with any pharmaceutical companies, supplement sellers, or anyone from the “wellness industry” at all.We answer to no one – that’s why we get our “kicks” out of delivering you the truth.Almost everything we recommend can be done for FREE or with simple things you can find at your local store for “chump change.”
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