Mark Wilson – Big Natural Testicles and Penile Muscle Program
Big Natural Testicles Program
[9 PDF – 1 DOC – 3 MP4]
How To Increase Testicle Size And Testosterone Naturallyget bigger testiclesIf you need some frank advice on how to increase testicle size, I have some news for you.But first, I want you to tell you something important:Your Testicles Are 25% Smaller Than Your Great Grandfather’sAnd the sperm produced by your under sized package is down by more than Half!Scientists in France recently discovered that sperm concentrations in men decreased by almost one-third just between 1989 and 2005And the motility of those sperm (their ability to swim to the egg) has plummeted by 50%.Another paper published in the British Medical Journal stated that sperm counts had halved, dropping from 113 million sperm per milliliter to 66 million sperm per milliliter in the last 50 years.chart-sperm-decrease-2 Also…In the year 2000, the Cleveland Clinic reviewed data from more than 1,000 men who came with their wives to the Clinic for fertility evaluation.And they found that a whopping 75 percent of these men had some sort of sperm abnormality (low counts, abnormal morphology, low motility or a combination of the above).sperm-abnormalitiesScary stuff, right?So how does this impact you as a modern day male?Well I can tell you one thing for sure…You’re definitely under producing testosterone.Because manufacturing T is the job of your testicles and undersized gonads can’t keep up with the production demands.And this testosterone decline is happening at a frightening rate.For example:Between 1987 -1989 the Massachusetts Male Aging Study tested 1,532 men’s testosterone levels.Then they followed up and tested these men again in the mid 90′s, and once more between 2002 & 2005.Take a look at the graph below to see the depressing statistics…VIP+ nowPU+ NowUser upgrade to PU
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