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Marshall Rosenberg – Intimate Relationships

Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD- Intimate Relationships
[1 CD – MP3]


“Nonviolent communication (NVC) is a process developed by Marshall Rosenberg and others which people use to communicate with greater compassion and clarity. It focuses on two things: empathy — listening with deep compassion, and honest self-expression — exposing what matters to oneself in a way that’s likely to inspire compassion in others. Formal NVC self-expression includes four elements: observations (distinguished from interpretations/evaluations), feelings (emotions separate from thoughts), needs (deep motives) and requests (clear, present, doable and without demand).Those who use Nonviolent Communication (also called “Compassionate Communication”) describe all actions as motivated by an attempt to get human needs met. However, in meeting those needs, they seek to avoid the use of fear, guilt, shame, blame, coercion or threats. The ideal of NVC is to get one’s own needs met while also meeting others’ needs. A key principle of Nonviolent Communication that supports this is the capacity to express oneself without use of good/bad, right/wrong judgment, hence the emphasis on expressing feelings and needs, instead of criticisms or judgments.”—Intimate Relationships—1 CD- 73 minutes- Recorded from an Intensive Training in 2000, topics include: Making requests that meet your need for love, giraffe giving, hearing the need behind the “No,” the cost of hearing a rejection, giraffe love, questions and answers and role plays.


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