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Matt Kahn – Dissolving the illusion : The Best of Weekend Immersions

Matt Kahn – Dissolving the illusion
[Webrips, 10 mp3]



**** elib Exclusive ****Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community. Thanks for keeping elib awesome!”Dissolving the Illusion: The Best of Weekend Immersions” When spiritual teacher, Matt Kahn and meditation guide, Julie Dittmar began offering weekend versions of their 5-day retreats, no one could’ve anticipated the life-changing healing that would take place at these events. As a way of inspiring your most profound transformation, now you have the opportunity to personally experience the eternal peace, endless joy, and unwavering clarity that awakens all the way to the cellular level through these teachings.With each track encoded with the same transmission of presence offered at every single live event, you are invited to explore your absolute potential in the most direct, nurturing, and heart-centered way. If you are wanting to clear away any confusion or frustration about being a human on planet Earth and are prepared to take a quantum leap into a new spiritual paradigm, then you are ready to dissolve the illusion through this rare collection of energetically-charged recordings.Topics covered include:Feeling good about yourselfThe Falsehood of illusionThe path of masteryBeyond AcceptanceAwakening your eternal perfectionTo maximize the healing potential of these teachings at their highest level of potency, it is recommended that you listen to one track a day, so each clearing and activation can fully integrate into your energy field with simplicity and ease.If deeper healing is required, please listen to each track twice a day, with at least five hours of space in-between to accelerate the integration process. After each track has been fully experienced, either once or twice per day, please then take a seven day break from the recordings to allow the energy absorbed to settle into place. After this seven day period, please re-listen to each track, either once or twice per day.With each teaching received, may the truth of who you truly are dawn in your heart to awaken the light of your highest self for the well-being of all.Also included are three Q&A sessions and two sacred chants to help you absorb the transmission of healing energy and messages at an even deeper level.More info on


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