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Matt Marshall – How To Build A Classic Physique (4 ebooks – Pdf’s)

Matt Marshall – How To Build A Classic Physique


As usual I try to overdeliver, so I’ve added 2 more reports that are not included in the original program.Enjoy! Want a classic physique?Read the article below How This Dead GuyTaught Me TheSecret To Getting ALean & MuscularPhysique WithoutSteroids(And why I think his secret will workfor you too)Did you know eating two bites of pineapple after your workout can actually help you build muscle faster? Or that sleeping with your windows open (just a crack) can help you burn fat? That’s just a few of the incredible secrets you’ll discover in this article.Before we begin…. let me ask you a quick question:Would you rather look like the mass monster on the left? Or would you rather look like the guy on the right?If you want to look like the gigantic professional bodybuilder on the left, please leave now.I cannot help you achieve that goal. If you’d prefer to look like the guy on the right, read every wordof this article.There’s no wrong answer here. If you truly would rather look like a 300-pound monsterous bodybuilder… then good luck to you. But I can’t help you so you should probably just leave now.But if you’d rather get a body like the guy on the right, then stick around because in this article I’ll show you the surprising training and diet secrets I discovered while researching information on this old time strongman dude.By the way his name is Eugen Sandow. And he died way back in 1925. I’ll say that again because it’s important: He died in the year 1925. Why is this important? Well, it’s quite simple. Steroids weren’t invented until the 1950’s. And because he died 30 years before steroids were even invented…. we can be absolutely positive he built his physique without drugs or steroids.These days it’s nearly impossible to tell who is taking steroids and who is truly “natural” or drug-free.Let’s face it: Not too many steroid users are willing to admit they take illegal steroids. And that suuuuucks for you and me. That sucks for guys like us trying to figure out how to build muscle and burn fat the natural (drug-free) way because we can never be certain who is lying and who is telling the truth.Remember when Mark Mcguire started launching 60+ home runs a year and told everybody it was because of his new workout program?Yeah…. turns out it was because of steroids. Newsflash: Pro athletes use steroids.Think this kind of transformation happens naturally? Think again. Or how about back in the day when a young Austrian kid named “Arnold Schwatzenegger” came out of nowhere and was suddenly the biggest bodybuilder on the planet. It was all due to his hard work and special training programs right? Yeah….. no. Arnold himself admitted steroid use and check out this statement from his biography. “Arnold took doses of steroids that terrified other bodybuilders.” Turns out the reason Arnold was the biggest bodybuilder was because he took the biggest doses of steroids.But steroids are just limited to sports stars and bodybuilders right? Plenty of actors and other entertainers manage to get lean & jacked naturally… so we can just find out what they do… right!Whoops. Not so fast.Sylvester Stallone (aka Rocky), the rapper 50 cent and dozens of other celebrities have all been busted for carrying Human Growth Hormone or HGH – a powerful and illegal steroid. Hollywood A-listers use steroids too. Shocking!He admits taking steroids in the documentary “Bigger, Stronger, Faster” In the documentary “Bigger, Faster, Stronger” a male fitness model named Christan Boeving actually admitted on camera to using steroids. He was filming a commercial for a new muscle-building supplement and he admitted to the film maker that the supplement had nothing to do with his physique… because he had been taking steroids since he was 16! The supplement company fired him immediately. Not for using steroids… but for admitting it.These days, it seems like everybody is using steroids. So trying to find a proven program for building muscle and burning fat without drugs is like trying to find a virgin in a whore house.My name is Matt Marshall. I’m NOT a bodybuilder a professional athlete or anything like that. I’m just a regular guy who wanted to build muscle and burn fat.But I was getting frustrated because no matter what I did I couldn’t seem to make any progress. I couldn’t seem to gain muscle and no matter how strict my diet I couldn’t seem to lose those last few pounds of fat from my belly. Me: BeforeI did what anybody else would do and I looked to the “experts” for help. But time and time again I ran into a problem: I tried the popular programs… but they didn’t work for me. And then after the fact I’d discover that the creators of these popular programs got their physiques from steroids… not hard work and protein powder.It was no wonder I kept failing. All the experts were saying one thing but doing something completely different behind closed doors. I was so frustrated I was ready to quit. But here’s the photo that changed everything for me….He admits taking steroids in the documentary “Bigger, Stronger, Faster” When I saw this photo, I thought “man, that’s the way I want to look.” Minus the moustache, of course. But other than that, this was the kind of body I’d been trying to build. Lean, muscular and fit.Not big and bloated like today’s professional bodybuilders. Best of all, I could tell this photo was old. And after a little digging, I discovered that this photo was taken decades before steroids were evenn invented… so I KNEW the man in this photo was 100% drug-free.I continued to dig and I found dozens and dozens of other guys who managed to build muscle, burn fat and build impressive physiques long before the invention of steroids. Take a look:I continued digging, trying to find anything I could about these old-time trainers and their training and diet strategies. It was nearly impossible to find this information because it’s so old… but I was a bulldog. I didn’t give up and after months and months of research I was able to dig up some of the old-time programs these guys used to build muscle and burn fat without drugs.What I discovered amazed me.Turns out nearly everything I’d ever heard about building muscle and burning fat was DEAD WRONG.For example, I’m sure you’ve heard that to build muscle you should eat six small meals consisting of nothing more than skinless chicken and brown rice, right? Or how about the idea that you should do cardio and crunches if you want to get great abs?My friend – you’ve been lied to!The drug-free bodybuilders I researched NEVER did any cardio or crunches. Yet they still had rock-solid abs!And they sure as hell didn’t eat tasteless chicken 6 times a day — but they were stronger than most of todays modern bodybuilders and they had sleeve-stretching muscles! Photo: 1919When I started using the tips and techniques from the old-time, drug-free bodybuilders of yesteryear, my body transformed practically overnight.Me today I added slabs of new muscle by doing LESS in the gym but focusing on some key forgotten exercises. And believe it or not, I got six-pack abs by completely avoiding crunches, sit-ups and cardio.After I uncovered these ancient muscle-building secrets, I started making rapid progress. People started to notice and ask questions. So I decided to write down all the drug-free secrets I’ve discovered about building muscle mass, getting ripped and getting a “classic physique.”I’ve titled my book How To Build A Classic Physique and here’s just a small taste of what’s inside…# Why eating two bites of pineapple after your workout can actually triple the amount of protein your body uses for building muscle# Why sleeping with your windows open (just a smidge) can actually help you burn fat# A “lazy” way to lose 10 pounds of fat and gain 3.5 pounds of lean mass in your first week# How a plumbing tool – found at any hardware store – can help you build bigger arms# Why drinking alcohol can actually speed UP your fat loss (not one trainer in 10,000 knows this)# A proven stay-at-home, no equipment required workout plan that can give you a classic physique# An almost “magical” food – horded by classic bodybuilders – that can actually boost your testoerone levels, build muscle and burn fat.# Plus step-by-step instructions on how to eat… and how to train so you can get a “classic physique.”I don’t care how out of shape you are – whether you need to lose 100 pounds of body fat… or if you’re already lean and want to pack on 25 pounds of rock-hard muscle – my book can give you a lean & muscular physique within weeks.But Let Me Be Upfront With You…If you’re like me, you’ve probably tried damn near everything under the sun in the hopes of building muscle and burning fat. You’ve tried other diets and workout plans, but nothing works. So let me be completely honest and upfront about what you can REALLY achieve with my system.Promise #1: By following my system, you can get a lean & muscular physique. What I call a “classic” physique.Promise #2: You will find my system incredibly easy to follow. You don’t have to count calories or protein. You don’t have to work out 6 times a week. And you can even beer or other alcoholic drinks and still enjoy six-pack abs.But just so we’re on the same page…If it’s your goal to look this –>I cannot help you.You need perfect genetics and $10,000 a month for steroids to get a body like this.Not my cup of tea. But if that’s your goal, you should NOT get my system. How Much Would You Pay To Finally Get A Lean & Muscular Physique?If you’re sick and tired of spinning your wheels in the gym, frustrated with your lack of progress and finally ready to get a lean & muscular physique using my proven “drug-free” system… then you’re probably wondering how much it’s going to cost. And I think you’re going to be pleaseantly surprised.Hollywood A-lists routinely spend $3,000 or more a MONTH on steroids and illegal hgh treatments because they KNOW how important it is to look your best. Before I discovered these secrets I actually hired a famous bodybuilding coach to help me get in shape.Perhaps you recognize this guy? His name is Mike Mentzer. He took second place to Arnold in the 1980 Mr. Olympia contest. I hired him and paid him $800 to help me build muscle and burn fat. But I saw ZERO results training with him… because Mike Mentzer didn’t know how to help DRUG FREE guys like you and me see results. This champion bodybuilder couldn’t help meIf you want to hire me to be your personal coach, I charge a much more reasonable $497 but you must apply for consideration and not everyone qualifies. So you can see, if I priced the How To Build A Classic Physique system at $97…. it would be a bargain.But I’m not asking $97. Or even $77. The regular price for this program is $47 and I think that’s a more-than-fair price. Heck, most supplements today cost more than fifty bucks and 99.9% of supplements are a waste of money. (Remember… these old school trainers got lean & muscular without ANY supplements.)But I’m doing a special marketing test so right now you can pick up your copy of How To Build A Classic Physique for just ONE payment of $27 bucks.Oh… and just to make this decision a “no-brainer” for you, I’ll also throw in this free bonus:It’s called “The Voodoo Ab Secret” and this report shows you a weird ab exercise that can actually shink your waist and give you a tighter midsection.Best of all, this weird ab exercise can be done right in your chair and takes only 11 seconds.No joke. This report alone is worth fifty bucks, but I’m giving it to you for FREE when you order “How To Build A Classic Physique.” YOURS FREE!Oh… and one more thing:To make your decision even easier, I’m giving you my 60-day money back guarantee. Get your copy of How To Build A Classic Physique today, along with your free bonus report for just $27 measily bucks. Give it a read and try my system. Take it for a test drive. Watch how fast you start to add muscle and burn fat by using these ancient secrets. I’m confident you are going to be amazed and thrilled by how fast your body is transforming. But if you’re not happy for any reason, just contact me within 60 days for a full refund.My wife thinks I’m crazy for doing this – she thinks a bunch of scammers are going to rip me off. But I don’t care. I think most people are honest and good and I think most guys are happy to pay for a system that actually works.. a system that actually helps drug-free guys like you and me build msucle and burn fat quickly.At this point… I’ve done all I can do. I’ve shown you dozens of examples of old-time trainers who managed to build muscle and get lean without steroids or supplements. I’ve shown you my own results with this system. I’ve outlined the entire program for you. I’ve added on a free bonus report that will help you get six-pack abs faster. And I’ve even covered you with my 60-day money back guarantee.I also want to offer you my personal support: Inside the book you’ll find my private email address. (the same one my mother uses when she wants to send me an email.) If you have any questions, you can always email me. Because it’s my mission to help you get in the best shape of your life. I’ll be there for you. I’ve got your back.But now it’s time to take action. This special $27 price is only temporary and once we conclude our marketing test the price goes back up to $47. Still a steal at that price but why wait. Click the button below to get started.I can’t wait to hear about your success with the program.Matt MarshallAuthor of “How To Build A Classic Physique”Founder of Fitness Under Oath LLC


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