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Matt Marshall – The High Rep Training Protocol (1 ebook – Pdf)

Matt Marshall – The High Rep Training Protocol

Description Is A Strange New Way To Build MuscleAnd Get Ripped Quicklyby: Matt Marshall, Certified Personal Trainer andfounder of Fitness Under OathBrand new research from a leading university study reveals a controversial method for building lean muscle mass while cutting body fat.In this article, you will discover why your current workout routine is probably HURTING your efforts to gain muscle and shed fat.  And what new research suggests you should do instead…If you want to build muscle and get ripped, read every word of this article.If you want to build muscle and get ripped, read every word of this article.FACT:  If you want to gain maximum muscle and get ripped as fast as possible, you could be screwing yourself over if most of your sets in the gym contain fewer than 20 reps.That’s what new research from the University of Baylor is showing.For years, bodybuilders and gym rats clung to the conventional wisdom regarding the best rep ranges for sparking muscle growth. The old rules state that sets of 1-5 reps are best for strength development, sets of 8-12 reps are best for muscle size. And using lighter weights with higher reps (15 reps or more) is only good for endurance. But brand new research shows this is…Wrong. DEAD WRONG.Matt MarshallMatt MarshallMy name is Matt Marshall. I’m a certified personal trainer and founder of Fitness Under Oath.Over the years I’ve developed a reputation as one of the very few people willing to take a stand and tell the TRUTH about what it really takes for average guys to build muscle and get ripped.I’m sick and tired of the lies and bullshit so in this article I want to expose…The #1 Most Important Factor To GettingA Lean & Muscular BodyPerhaps you’ve seen this picture before.Less myostatin equals more muscle in animals.Less myostatin equals more muscle in animals.This is a bull born without any myostatin – a genetic protein that RESTRICTS muscle growth.Because this cow was born WITHOUT myostatin, this bull grew massively muscular.Make no mistake: Myostatin is the single most important factor when it comes to building muscle and getting ripped.Not just for animals, but for humans too.Less myostatin = more muscleIn humans too, less myostatin = more muscle.Maybe you’ve seen the pictures of this “muscle kid.”Less myostatin = more muscle in humans too.Less myostatin = more muscle in humans too.At a young age, he had far more muscle mass and less body fat than his peers.The reason?A genetic mutation in his myostatin levels.By now it should be clear to you that controlling myostatin levels is the key to getting a ripped and muscular physique. But if you’re like most gym rats, the way you train is probably…Killing Your Efforts To Gain Muscle & Lose Fat!Don’t take my word for it. Here’s the stone cold proof:Researchers at Baylor University conducted a study to determine if high reps or low reps were better for building muscle SIZE quickly.Clinical studies show training with lighter weights decreases myostatin.Clinical studies show training with lighter weights decreases myostatin.The scientists took a group of weight trainers and put them through a series of leg workouts. Half the group used heavy weights and lower reps – around 6 reps per set. The other half used lighter weights and completed 20 reps per set.After each workout the scientists took blood samples and muscle biopsies.Here’s What They Discovered…The test subjects that did low reps with heavy weights had 3X as much myostatin as the high rep subjects. Remember, more myostatin equals LESS muscle, so this increase is a very BAD THING if you want to get ripped and jacked quickly.The scientists concluded that when it comes to training for maximum size, you would be smart to use lighter weights and higher reps. This might sound surprising but…The Smartest Bodybuilders Figured This Out Decades AgoChet Yorton built his size with sets of 22 reps. 100% drug-free.Chet Yorton built his size with sets of 22 reps. 100% drug-free.Chet Yorton – one of only 3 men to defeat Arnold Schwarzenegger in a bodybuilding show – built his size using sets of 22 reps.And by the way, he is a life-long drug free bodybuilder and never once used steroids.Clearly, Chet and other old-time bodybuilders knew something about packing on size WITHOUT drugs.The Secret To Massive Arms?The secret to big arms? It’s NOT using heavy weights.The secret to big arms? It’s NOT using heavy weights.Modern day bodybuilders like Rich Piana have gone on record stating that the secret to building massive size quickly is using ultra-light weights and doing sets of 40, 50 even 100 reps.How Prisoners Build MusclePrisoners use high reps to build muscle size.Prisoners use high reps to build muscle size.American prison officials removed the heavy weights from prisons long ago because the general public didn’t like the idea of prisoners getting bigger and stronger behind bars.Yet today’s prisoners are still getting huge and ripped – by using lighter weights for higher reps.No weights? No problem.Gymnasts Get Big Arms Without Weight TrainingThe secret to arms like a gymnast? High reps.The secret to arms like a gymnast? High reps.Most gymnasts don’t lift weights. And yet they get big arms because their training consists of lifting their body weight many times. In short, they end up following the same principle of higher reps for size without even realizing it.As you can see, if you’ve been struggling to build muscle size and get ripped maybe it’s time you tried using higher reps and lighter weights.Introducing…The High Rep Training ProtocolThe High Rep Training ProtocolThe High Rep Training ProtocolIn this short manual, I show you how to use the art and science of high rep training to get your best body ever.I’ve done all the legwork for you – figuring out exactly how many sets, how many reps and the best exercises to use to get jacked and ripped FAST.There is NO guesswork. I show you exactly what to do. You will have a step-by-step battle plan to getting a lean & muscular physique. Who This Is For:#1) Any drug-free guy (or girl) who wants to build muscle size FAST.#2) Athletes who could benefit from having more muscle and less fat.#3) Busy professionals who want a jacked & ripped body without wasting hours in the gym.#4) Strength athletes looking for a way to build muscle and strength without hammering their joints with heavy weights.#5) Regular guys who haven’t had much luck with traditional bodybuilding plans.Warning: This Plan Is NOT For CowardsDo you have the courage necessary to build a lean and muscular physique? Let me tell you a story…About a month after I started training with high reps, I was making the best progress of my life.Results!Results!My arms, chest and back were noticeably bigger and thicker. My legs were stronger and a decade of knee pain vanished almost overnight.My waist was tighter and my abs were popping like never before – despite not being very strict with my diet.Naturally, people at the gym started to take notice. One guy asked me what I was doing to make such rapid progress. I started to tell him about training with high reps and he just shook his head. He said “Man, I could never train like that. All my friends would laugh at me if I used light weights.”I just laughed. If you’re too afraid to try something different because of what other people might think… then you don’t deserve a jacked & ripped physique.Most guys never make any real progress. They look exactly the same, year in, year out. So if you want to get a lean & muscular physique, you must be brave enough to try something different.They might laugh at you for the first couple weeks. But by the third week – when you’ve packed on brand new size and strength while stripping off fat – they’ll be begging to know your secrets.Get Started Now For Just $29 BucksThe regular price of this training program is $49.95 – and that’s a steal when you consider that this course can get you into the best shape of your life in just a few quick weeks.But if you’ll do me ONE favor, you can have a digital copy of this revolutionary training system for just $29 bucks.Here’s the deal:I need YOUR before & after pictures to help show the world how effective this system is for building muscle and getting ripped. So I’ve decided that the first 10,000 people to order this system will get the complete course for just $29. This way I can get this training system into the hands of people who I know will use it and I can gather before & after pictures to show that this system really works just as I say it does.Hopefully you will be so impressed that you will send me your before & after pictures so I can feature them on the website in the future. Of course, this is completely up to you and it is OPTIONAL. You don’t have to send me your before & after pictures if you don’t want to.But this is a limited time deal. After the first 10,000 copies are snatched up, the price jumps back to $49.95. So don’t put this on the back-burner. Order now and get “The High Rep Training Protocol” for just $29. This incredible training system is not available anywhere else. Click the button below to get started.Click here to get started in less than 2 minutes.addtocartbuttonYours under oath,Matt Marshall Author of The High Rep Training ProtocolMatt MarshallAuthor of The High Rep Training ProtocolOne Last Thing…Be warned: Once you pack on muscle and shed fat, people treat you differently.Be warned: Once you pack on muscle and shed fat, people treat you differently.After 30 days on this program, something weird is going to happen. And I want to tell you about it now so you can prepare yourself. Yes, you are going to gain muscle fast. Yes, you will strip away body fat and end up with a lean & tight midsection. That much is obvious.But what you may not realize is that the entire world will suddenly start to treat you differently. Strange women will walk right up to you and begin openly flirting with you. Men will snap to attention and treat you with the respect typically reserved for wealthy CEO’s. I realize this sounds far-fetched but it happens like clockwork with my private training clients.I try to warn them but it still takes some people by surprise when it happens for the first time. So be ready. The benefits of having a jacked & ripped physique are extraordinary. And for just $29, you can experience it for yourself. Get started now.


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