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Matt Stone – 180 Degree Metabolism Package

Matt Stone – 180 Degree Metabolism Package
[1 eBooks – PDF, 6 CD – MP3]


Ready to break out of the vicious eat less/exercise more cycle by boosting metabolism?  Don’t know how to lose weight other than starve yourself until you’re too miserable to continue?  Think you have to torture yourself like this to maintain a healthy weight and live a healthy life?Most diet and fitness “gurus” think that there is no possible way to speed up metabolism and lose weight without creating a FORCED calorie deficit via hard work and discipline. If you learn how to speed up your metabolism naturally, the rest falls into place.Oops. I suppose you could just “weight” for them to figure out the most efficient and effortless way to lose excess body fat and speed up metabolism – without running into the very mechanisms that cause rebound overeating and fat storage when you finally fall off the treadmill.But I wouldn’t hold my breath.  Odds are you want to know that right now – the ultimate secrets for losing body fat and maintaining a lean, muscular figure, with no struggle against yourself or willpower (I don’t even know what that is).If so, download 180 Degree metabolism:  The Smart Strategy for Fat Loss, and how you look, how you feel, and how you think about “waist management” will be forever changed.  Most importantly, whether you wanna lose weight or not, you’ll divorce restricted dieting for life – especially after you finish reading the chapter “Duck Fiets!”This eBook literally contains information about boosting metabolism, and it works.  It can easily be monitored by watching the body temperature rise. In it you will learn how to speed up your metabolism, release stored fat from fat cells (adipocytes), maximize your body’s ability to burn fatty acids (lipolysis), block calories from being stored in fat cells, decrease hunger, preserve muscle mass, reduce compulsive eating behavior, and nourish yourself well – all in one shot.Not only will you lose excess body fat, but once you’ve been on this program long enough you’ll find it more difficult to gain body fat than ever before.  Freedom at last!170 pages2nd Edition Published 4/8/2010Purchase of 180 Degree metabolism also includes a 6-Hour Audio Weight Loss Seminar in MP3 file format.  This is an incredibly valuable tool for achieving your long-term weight loss goals.source:


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