Melissa-How to Get Medical Doctors Referals for Hypnosis
Melissa-How to Get Medical Doctors Referals for Hypnosis
This is part of the excusive material bought for the Doug O’BrienGB . Sharing with other sites is absolutely forbidden ==============================================================Melissa Roth-How To Get Medical Doctors To Refer You Hypnosis Clients Proven Techniques to get doctors excited about referring to you!From Zero ClientsTo Waiting ListIn Only 6 Weeks!Discover how one hypnotist went frombrand-new practice to waiting list in only six weeks,and 18 months later hired a second hypnotistto handle the overflow of new clients!Dear Friend,I’m going to share with you an amazing yet true story about a hypnotist went from brand-new practice to waiting list in only 6 weeks.And after a year and 1/2 hired another hypnotist to help with all the new clients she was getting, while other hypnotists in the same area continue to worry about how to get enough clients.If you’re a hypnotist and you feel like it’s a constant struggle to get more clients, then you’ll want to read this entire message. It might just be the most important message you’ll ever see.Here’s why…In January of 2011 a hypnotist with a 6-figure practice decided it was time to move.Not just a move across town, she packed up all her worldly belongings and moved from Birmingham AL to Boulder CO.You may know of this hypnotist, her name is Melissa Roth.Now long distance moves are disruptive for anyone, but for a hypnotist it means starting a brand new practice from scratch.In other words… Starting with ZERO Clients… and ZERO practice income.But Melissa wasn’t concerned.Because she had done this before.Her practice in Birmingham was always fully booked even though she didn’t advertise, because as she says“I’ve never advertised so I really don’t know how, and I suck at it. But beyond that, I’m too cheap to do that.”So how did she stay fully booked?Simple!She got a steady stream of referrals from medical doctors and other medical professionals.So when she got to Boulder, she put into action what she calls her “cookbook” method for getting doctors to send her referrals.And inside of 6 weeks, she had all the clients she cared to see (for her this is 3-4 a day on weekdays only).And a waiting list of people wanting to sit in her chair.But her story gets even better.Because in October of 2012, she hired another hypnotist to help her with the overflow.And as Melissa says “I already had a full book of clients each week. This will be a great way to help this girl build a full time practice.”Melissa has now built 2 full-time practices in 2 very different regions of the countryUsing her self-developed method of getting medical doctors to refer hypnosis clients.What is her secret?As a hypnotist you understand how important it is to understand your clients model of the world.Melissa figured if she was going to work with medical professionals she had better understand their model of the world.So she studied how doctors and hospitals do daily business.What she discovered is a consistent way to get a meeting with even the busiest of doctors.And a consistent way to build relationships with doctors so they trusted her enough to refer their patients.Best part…It doesn’t matter what the doctors specialty.It doesn’t matter what city.And it doesn’t even matter what part of the world.Because doctors offices do business the same way.And when you understand how this works you too can meet the doctors and get them to refer to you.However many hypnotists don’t believe they can do this.In researching this topic, I discovered 5 common myths hypnotists have about medical doctor referralsDownload:Contributors: Immediate and ratio freeOthers: As per elib rulesThanks to all users who made this GB possibleGB is closed]As usual, enjoy!
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