Melissa Joy Jonsson – Little Book of Big Potentials: 24 Fields of Flow, Fulfillment, Abundance, and Joy in Everyday Life [1 ebook – 1 pdf, 1 mobi, 1 epub)
Melissa Joy Jonsson – Little Book of Big Potentials
[1 ebook – 1 pdf, 1 mobi, 1 epub)
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Through a delightful interweaving of science, spiritual insight, enlightening humor, and practical play, Melissa Joy takes us into the heart of interactive reality creation and provides easily accessible M-Joy Fields for transforming experiences that touch all aspects of life. Offering an evolutionary perspective on the nature of reality based on universal truths, scientific observations, and practical experience, Melissa Joy shines light on information as love’s creation. The Little Book of Big Potentials is beautifully articulated in a “language of light,” offering the opportunity for everyone in the collective to experience True Authentic Self (TAS) and to walk fully in integrity. This is a path of self-love, authenticity, and personal truth that, if we simply embody it, can transform all that WE relate to in our individual and shared experiences. “Change your field resonance in the love hologram, and everything can change.” ~~~Editorial ReviewsReview”I probably get two or three requests a week from authors wanting me to endorse their books. This book was not one of those. I asked for the privilege of endorsing Melissa’s book. You might say, I practically begged. Here’s why: I wanted to be one of the first to preview this groundbreaking material. Melissa Joy and pretty much everything she says and writes about is sheer brilliance. This book is just more proof that this is an author to follow. Thanks, Melissa, for allowing me to read your book early…before the whole world beats a path to your door.”— Pam Grout, #1 New York Times best-selling author of E-Squared and 16 other books From the AuthorPreface from Little Book of Big Potentials The Little Book of Big Potentials is a loving guide to creating more flow, fulfillment, abundance, and joy in all that we experience. The 24 M-Joy Fields are based on core universal principles inherent to interactive reality creation, combined with heart-centered awareness, intuition, and the power of choice. All these facets of consciousness bear relevance to our understanding of the nature of transformation and our ability to express inherent, limitless potential. Though these Fields are based on scientific principles of holographic theory and morphic resonance, understanding the physics is not necessary to derive tremendous benefits from this book. In fact, desire, curiosity, and a willingness to choose are all that is needed to connect to, apply, and integrate the Fields in a practical manner. Desire, curiosity, and a willingness to choose are integral to play, and PLAY is what activates our creative potential to actualize in the universal hologram of reality. PLAY is Potential Love Awaiting You, and these Fields offer an invitation to embody, recognize, and actualize love within us and around us. In this book, we will establish resonance (connection) with our universal heart fields. We will discover and embody our True Authentic Selves (TAS) and experience True Authentic Relating (TAR) with self and others. We will learn how to consciously resonate with fields of information that reflect the essence of our limitless nature as boundless love in action. As a result, we will create, manifest, and experience joy, flow, fulfillment, and abundance in the multifaceted aspects of our everyday experiences. Applied alone or together, the 24 M-Joy Fields provide a holographic orchestration of coherency, congruency, and integrity in action. These are Fields of grace, expressing in a perfect symphony our truth as limitless love, unified as the cohesive force that connects everyone and everything in universal consciousness. All Fields encompass, and couple with, the inherent will to create as the impetus of movement from potential to expression. These interactive fractal holograms await our shared connection. Come join me as, together, we play in fields of infinite possibilities. Let’s PLAY it forward . . . In-Joy! ~Melissa Joy ~~~About the AuthorBiographyMelissa Joy Jonsson (M-Joy) is best known for her ability to engage people from all over the world to embrace their True Authentic Power through accessing universal consciousness by playing in the field of the heart. She has a unique perspective on how we are able to experience living joyfully and loving completely from a state of grace.Melissa has been teaching popular life-transformational seminars around the globe since 2008. She is the founder and instructor of the “M-Joy Of Being” seminar series, a unifying movement in consciousness dedicated to exploring and expanding heart-centered awareness and practical personal empowerment for everyone. Prior to creating a career she loves, she spent almost fifteen years as an executive in the pharmaceutical industry.Melissa has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of California at Santa Barbara. She completed graduate studies at Pepperdine University’s Graziado School of Business and Management.She is sought after as a respected published author and as a frequent guest speaker on global radio broadcasts. Melissa is well known for her eloquent articulation and personal accessibility on both nationally and internationally recognized social media platforms.Melissa Joy is passionate about inspiring every other person to realize his or her True Authentic Self (TAS) with practical, creative, and powerful wisdom that she embodies every day. She enjoys long runs near the ocean in San Diego, reading, hanging out with friends, and sharing with people the joyful journey of living their infinite potential. To learn more about M-Joy, please visit ©2015 Melissa Joy JonssonPrint Length: 246 pagesPublication Date: July 14, 2015…~~~NOTE: audiobook is here: ~~~
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