Michael Breen – 30 Days to Masterful NLP Anchoring (Compressed)
Michael Breen – 30 Days to Masterful NLP Anchoring (Compressed)
[WebRip – 6 MP4, 8 MP3, 1 PDF]
elib.tech Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! Note: This is a remake I made for myself some time ago that I am uploading for the convenience of others who may want a smaller size. Since I want to keep it here, I am making it Exclusive and setting limits. If you want the higher quality rip, please download the original that was uploaded today and seems to be staying, with some restrictions. But mine is not all that bad, considering – and at 371 MB compared to 3.7 GB, it’s darn good enough for me! Original size: …“Who Else Wants An In-Depth, Behind The Scenes, Fast-Track Education In The Secrets Of Masterful NLP Anchoring … … COMBINED with A Custom Step-By-Step Training Program That Teaches You The REAL Skills To Anchor In ANY Sensory System & In Everyday Life Contexts … So You Can Become A Dramatically More Skillful Hypnotist, Persuader, Change Agent or Coach… in 30 Days Or Less… Entirely RISK FREE”If You’re Ready To Become Masterful At NLP Anchoring RIGHT NOW, This Might Just Be The Most Important Letter You’ll Ever Read … Dear Student of NLP, I have a few questions for you:## Have you ever found yourself wondering how to use anchoring in everyday life situations?## Do you feel confused or unsure how to anchor someone in a personal, presentation or business situation?## Have you ever found yourself explaining what anchoring is yet know you cannot anchor visually or auditorally and silently hoped your listeners wouldn’t ask you for a demonstration?## Would the thought of someone asking you to stand up and teach anchoring to a group frighten you?## Do you work in a job where being able to evoke specific states at will and effect emotions could help you?## Have you ever felt your heart race when you kinaesthetically anchored someone and was full sure it looked awkward or you were about to be “found out”?## Have you ever felt you lack confidence in your NLP skills and specifically in how to visually or auditory anchor others with ease?Connect_The_Dots_Success## Do you feel like you don’t know when an anchor is working, or not sure if you’ve set it correctly or confused when you fire the anchor and you don’t get the response that you want?## Do you get nervous when you try to intentionally anchor someone in a social or work situation or find yourself feeling false and that your anchoring will be noticed or is clumsy?## Are you tired of hearing the same old “Stimulus-Response, pavlov’s dog story” as the key to anchoring and want to learn how anchoring REALLY works, so that you can do it with ease visually, auditory or kinaesthetically when you decide?## Have you ever seen a great piece of change work, persuasion or influence and wondered how did that and you knew there had to be more than language involved?## Have you ever attended a training where you saw one of the great master trainers doing a presentation and suspected they were anchoring, chaining and firing states on you and everyone else in the room, and you didn’t have a clue how they did it? ## Would you like to know what they know about anchoring the almost never gets taught?## Do you ever feel self-conscious and stifled when you’re around other more ‘experienced NLPers’ to the point where you don’t contribute anything or repeat the things you’ve heard to try to “keep up” or save face?## Have you ever set an anchor and felt a little fear come up as you got to test the trigger because you’re afraid the anchor just won’t work … yet again. And felt that tightening of your chest with disappointment?## When you first heard about how powerful anchoring is were you so excited about using it, yet after going through several training’s, you have resigned yourself to not attempting it anymore, for fear that anchoring doesn’t work or that you just won’t be able to do it?## Do you work in a professional situation where having the power to anchor others intentionally and with ease could be a massive benefit to you and help you achieve the business, relationship, health, financial and personal results you want?## Would you like to be able to anchor with the best of them, know how anchoring really works (the secret sauce that very few NLPers ever get to know) and be able to do it in any sensory system, so that it became so natural it was second nature to you?If you answered “Yes!” to any of these questions, then I have some important news for you…You’re NOT alone. In fact, this list of questions was created from years of personal experience and from learning about this key area of NLP for myself.I’m am sure you are aware of what anchoring is and you’ve probably read about it in a book or learnt about anchoring from a seminar.And like most NLPers maybe you’ve even tried to anchor others or yourself.If you were like me, there may even have been times when you completely forgot to anchor someone, were nervous you were going to get caught and just didn’t know how to take anchoring as it’s typically presented in a training and translate it into how you can use it in real world everyday life.Or perhaps you were in a conversation and didn’t even notice what the other person’s anchors were (and let an abundance of RESOURCES go to waste ….).Either way, anyone with even a basic experience in NLP knows that anchoring is by far one of the most important skills required in NLP. Yet up until now there hasn’t been a step-by-step way to take your anchoring skills from beyond the typical practitioner level and move them to mastery of the technology.The benefits of getting really good at anchoring are enormous. For example as an NLPer you can:## access resource states from others at will ## ‘capture strategies’## induce specific responses## do advanced NLP change workAs a sales person you can:## help your customers feel certainty, trust and confidence in you and your product## rapidly and move from hesitation to desire much quicker## Chain multiple states to your product so when it comes time to buy the customer feels great and wants to buy nowAs a coach or consultant you can:## Put your client into the optimal state to fire up their motivation## Have your client step back and take in the big picture## Trigger them so they go into the optimal mood so they can make the best decision, take action, move forward all as a result of you.As a manager or working professional anchoring is one of THE most powerful communication skills you can ever learn. No longer do you need to make small talk, remain removed or worry about maintaining that balance between friendless and authority. Simply put when you know how to anchor in any sensory system you can trigger greater productivity, decision making and influence with everyone around you… And yet most people have not mastered this one core skill!If you learnt anchoring the traditional way it would have involved asking someone to remember a pleasant feeling and then touching them on the knee or shoulder. There was probably also a demonstration of this type of anchoring by the trainer – which would have been surprisingly effective when demonstrated in a seminar situation. However, with some NLP experience, you will have realized that, while this may work well in a seminar situation, it is not very practical in the real world. 1. In the real world you will NOT spend 3 minutes asking the person to close their eyes and remember a time when they felt really good. 2. In the real world you will NOT lean over and touch someone on their knee / shoulder every time you need to anchor. 3. In the real world you will certainly NOT create sliding anchors on peoples arms with funny sound effects to amplify the anchor.Note: when I say real world, in this context I am referring to daily interactions at home or in the business field. In a coaching/therapy context some people will use the anchoring methods mentioned to great effect, but why be limited to only being able to do kinaesthetic anchoring.This is the question that I sought to answer with this product. And not just creating more theory but give people specific SKILLS that you can IMPLEMENT right away to dramatically increase your anchoring skills. ## How do I use anchors in my job? ## How can I fluently AND intentionally anchor others? ## How do I ‘steal’ other peoples anchors? ## How do I create any anchor I want, in any situation? ## How do I remember to anchor others, and keep track of my anchors? ## Most importantly – how do I do all this WITHOUT leaning over and touching people on their knee? 30 Days to Masterful Anchoring really is the ideal product for anyone with a basic knowledge of NLP who wants to take their skills to the next level. **Please note that this is not a product for a complete beginner. Basic knowledge of NLP (rapport, state elicitation, traditional anchoring technique) is required to fully benefit from the 4 week course on Anchoring.While the first week will give you more introductory information and ‘fill in the blanks’ on some things you may have missed. The following weeks will build on this knowledge and does assume that you know a certain minimum level of NLP. 1st. The program is broken down into 4 weeks. Each week Michael will teach you a specific aspect of anchoring and then give you assignments for the week. Michael will basically hold you by the hand and teach you all the skills you need to fluently and intentionally anchor in any environment. Never before has a Master Trainer broken down the art of anchoring in such an easily digestible, self paced, highly practical and very accessible format over four weeks. 2nd. The program is actually a breakdown of a recent anchoring seminar Michael did for his NLP Master Class. You will see hours and hours of brilliant NLP presentation in action. So not only is it Michael’s most up to date work; it is video from a live seminar with demos and examples. 3rd. We made sure to ask Michael lots and lots of questions on anchoring as well as asking him for examples in NON-seminar environments where he has used anchoring. It became so big – we now have a whole 3 Hours MP3 recording of Michael answering the most common questions about anchoring as well as giving examples of anchoring. 4th. Now we know that you may questions as you go through this course, so we have had Michael answer the most common questions our first 100 customers have had and you will get access to this very special bonus too. (contd): http://www.nlptimes.com/programs/anchoring/masterful_anchori…~~~ VIP+ Now Power Users: 2 days Users: Please upgrade, as per the rules. Thank you for understanding! ~~~ IN Joy! ~~~
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