Michael Hall – Neurosemantics – Metareflections 2008 –
[ 1 PDF – 136 pages ]
2008 meta ReflectionsNeuron Articlesmeta Reflections are presented each Monday to the Neurons egroup of Neuro-Semantics. I writethem as I entertain various reflections throughout the week as I go about my business modelingsome facet of human potential, interacting with people, presenting trainings, etc. These metaReflections are designed to share the insights I come upon in my readings and research and tospread around some of the most inspiring, challenging, humbling ideas that touch me.The meta-Reflections also help myself and others in Neuro-Semantics to keep refining and honingthe field of Neuro-Semantics as a cutting-edge approach to self-actualization of individuals,organizations, and communities.1) meta-States: 7, 45, 49, 51, 52Meaning: 4, 52 (Frankl), 55Self-Reference: 30, 31Wealth: 34– 37, 44Humor: 38– 43Language: 46, 472) Neuro-Semantics: 5, 9,Time-Binding: 10–12, 27 (culture), 28, 29Environment: 25, 26Framing: 46Performance: 533) Self-Actualization: 6, 8, 13, 17, 18, 20, 50,A New You: #1–3,Creativity: 14-15, 23, 24Problem-Solving: 16, 19Evil: 21, 224) NLPCritique: 325) meta-Coaching: 33,
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