Michael Hall – Neurosemantics – Metareflections Trainer 2011 –
michaelhall 2011
[ 1 PDF – 124 pages ]
It was 2007 when I first began writing meta Reflections on “Neurons” the primaryegroup for Neuro-Semantics. Then in2009 I began writing meta-Coach Reflections.A year later, I decided it was time to support the Neuro-Semantic Trainers with aconsistent set of Reflections as well. But this time, there was a difference, insteadof writing all of the Reflections myself, Colin Cox, the first Master Trainer inNeuro-Semantics and Omar Salom agreed to co-write the Reflections with me.Along with them Alan Fayter who has begun the Master Trainer Track has alsocontributed posts and as you will see Lene Fjellheim, Femke Stuut, and AndrewThamThere is a lot of valuable insights about training in the following posts. Many haveto do with yourself as a trainer; others about the process of training, and yet othersabout specific patterns in the APG series.These Reflections are offered as ongoing support for you — as a Licensed Neuro-Semantic Trainer.To your highest and best!L. Michael Hall
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