Michael Marks – Dating Wizard – Interview with FrankB
Micheal Marks -Interview
[1 CD – 6 MP3s]
Michael Marks the dating wizard was a guest speaker at the Cliff List Convention 2006 and is in the Toronto Ontario Canada media as a dating instructor. He runs boot-camps, has his own e-books and audio seminars for sale, and has a keen understanding of the power of natural “vibe”.Check out this personal interview about how he went from loser to seducer. In the words of Michael the Dating Wizard: Attraction is not a static thing. That’s the truth.A woman is either feeling more and more of it for you, or she is feeling less and less. It NEVER stays the same. So you have to ask yourself a question: Which do you prefer, a woman feeling she is “settling” for you for “practical” reasons and her attraction thus eroding for you day by day, or a woman feeling that she MUST HAVE you? In the real world, attraction doesn’t care about the politically correct b.s. definition of it. Ultimately, REAL attraction feels like a NEED, it’s not some kind of thing that is “nice” to have. It feels as if you NEED it.THAT’S what attraction is.People who like his interview may want to Join for the New GB :- Free :-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aU0j7AuIl8&feature=relmfu
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