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Michael Pilinski – High Status Male

Mike Pilinski – High Status Male [compact edition]
[compact edition Doc+Pdf]



There is already a “compact” edition here: that one has  184 pages and this one is 64 pages long.Table of contents:1. Is Your Ego Roadkill Yet…Stop Trying to Get Lucky , Get Informed ! …Blood Sport — Approaching and Seducing WomenRomantic Ratings …Four Ty es of Attractiveness / Rejection Sensitivity fo r Men …My Sad an d Pathetic Story , How Women Piss on Low Status Men …Screw Fear, Becoming F earless is a L earned Skill…Usin g Your Physical Flaws Like a Stun Gun ….The Female Mating Call — Respond Properly , and You’re In 2 – Seduction: How the Game is Played .The Importance of Establishing Yourself as a Player It’s All Subconscious With Her The Nice  Guy Blues ExplainedNice Guys on Parade Words as Power Tools v s. Pointless Chatte r Instant Charisma and Classy Courage How Does Your Blood Smell? 3. The Male Dominance Scale ExposedAre You a 2.5, or a 9.5 ? High Status (powerful) Males vs. Low Status (weak) Males The Way Women Want Men to Act The Seven Perfect Attributes in Men that Women Would Lov e to SeeBut None of this Works for You4. Comfortable Wimps, Tough Men How Toxic Shame Keeps You Locked Inside a Low Status Strait jacketYour Secretly Shamed Affection Needs The Zone of Discom fort Comfortable Friends – uncomfortable Lovers Seven Reasons Why You Always End Up  Friends Instead of LoversYour Failed C ommitment to Suffering the Journey 5. Essential Flirting Seek Adventure, Not Outcome Always Have Your Antenna Out In Order to Get Some thing Yo u Have to Pretend You Don’t Want ItYour First Words are Always Non-VerbalThe Rejection Pro of 6 Step Process for First Contact On rejection sensitivity Instant Rapport? Make the Inc redible Connection… Now!Romance is a Trance Five Minute First Contact Scenario – In Review 6. Closing the Sale You must Escalate When the Time is Right in order to Realize a Successful SeductionYou Must Disclose Your Sexual In terest in Her Promptly Be the First One to Reach Out and Touch H er Sexual T ension Can Never Be Denied Forget what Teacher Said … Assume Anywa y ! The Deep Look Sealing the Deal: You Must Deliver a Knockout First Kiss Cruise Control: Now She Takes Over Putting it All Together 7. The Big Picture Your Ability to Deliver on Her Four Primary Emotional NeedsMake Sure tha t Your Four Primary Emotional Needs are Being Met by HerThe “Right One”, Defined Getting Her Addicted to You Yeah Baybee!… Your Perfect Pad for Shagging You Evil Bastard , I should have never shown you any of thisAppendix A: Cayman MagicAppendix B: The 7 Mega-Rules of Men-Women RelationsAppendix C: The Dominant Male Test.Appendix D: Scoring the Dominant Male Test & Interpretation of ResultsIf you are asking yourself why i did this:!Edit:I’ve edited the files by adding,just like I promised,some paragraph breaks ,at their beginning , for an easier read.


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