Mike Adams – The Illusion of Disease
Mike Adams – Illusion of Disease – 12 CDs + Book
[(12 CDs – MP3) + (1 ebook (PDF)]
This exclusive material is part of the “Illusion of Disease” group buy.This group buy is still open and the forum is listed at: Illusion of DiseaseAuthor: Mike AdamsPublished: 2008Book Description: 251 pages scanned, OCRed & bookmarked. 12 CDs ripped to MP3 at 128k.Revealed: The “Secret Language Codes” Used by Doctors and Drug Companies to Ensnare Patients with Drugs and Surgery…learn how to detect and defend yourself against the stealth brainwashing efforts of modern medicine with this advanced lecture of medical linguistics by the Health Ranger…In The Illusion of Disease, you’ll learn:• How to completely defend yourself against every insidious language code used by doctors to exploit you for profit.• Why cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, depression and other diseases actually don’t exist at all. Even though the symptoms given these names ARE real, the diseases themselves are nothing more than mental fabrications in the minds of doctors and drug company marketers.• The top ten ways doctors use manipulative language to force patients into dangerous — and sometimes deadly — medical procedures.• How to defend yourself against the victimization language used by the people around you: Family, friends, coworkers and doctors.• How to use the Secret Language Codes in a positive way on yourself to restore health, freedom and spontaneous healing in your own body.• The twelve most dangerous warning words to watch out for that reveal you’re being manipulated by a doctor or other health authority.• How modern medicine exploits symbols of authority to secretly influence the decisions of patients.• Why virtually all disease is curable without drugs and surgery.• How doctors use technical-sounding Latin disease names to confuse patients with medical babble in an attempt to override their logical decision processes.• Exactly HOW to change your language from one of victimization to one of empowerment, freedom and self determination.• How doctors use clever timeline manipulations to convince you that diseases spontaneously appear in your body without cause.• The four levels of disease and how the Secret Language Codes bypass skeptical thinking and use stealth linguistic tactics to reshape your very beliefs without your knowledge.• How to “de-label” yourself and free your mind from victimizing beliefs about disease.• Why doctors are actually “selling” chemotherapy and surgery even when they claim they’re only “informing” you about your options.• The real truth about cancer: Everybody already has microtumors! They key is keeping them in check…• The truth about the Cult of Pharmacology and why doctors believe in pharmaceuticals like some sort of cultist religion.• Why disease “screening” is really a medication recruitment scam, and how to avoid falling for it.• How modern medicine intentionally distorts statistics to make dangerous drugs look like miracle medicine.• Why mammograms are one of the leading causes of cancer in America today, and why women should never get mammograms.• Why most health consumers are unable to realize how deeply they have been brainwashed by the Secret Language Codes of modern medicine.• How doctors and surgeons use fear as a powerful recruiting tool to make more money for themselves while maiming patients with medically unjustified procedures.• Why your beliefs filter your experience of reality and ultimately shape what you think of as “real.”• How to rewrite your life script at the deepest level of personal belief.• Why many health consumers are hypnotizing themselves! Learn how the words you hear yourself say are the most powerful shapers of belief and physical outcome.When you get this course, you’ll receive:• The complete Health Ranger audio lecture on 12 audio CDs• The soft cover book containing the complete transcript of the audio lectureThe web page for this book is at:http://www.truthpublishing.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCod…The author’s web site is at:www.naturalnews.comPlease keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to Jobed for starting this group buy and everyone who is supporting this group buy.Contributors of the “Illusion of Disease” group buy: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeks or contribute to the “Illusion of Disease” group buy.Users: Upgrade to PU or contribute to the “Illusion of Disease” group buy at: are the standard group buy lead times.Thanks, Mazen
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