Mike Boyle – Functional Strength Coach 2 (9 avi)
As we near the release of FSC 4 I was asked to rip FSC 2, so looking about I noticed that no one had actually put up FSC 2 anywhere, so I thought I’d correct that & took the time ripping my discs so you guy scan get the whole set. This is 9 discs & covers a lot of ground from exercise form to programme design, flexibility, mobility, exercise choice etc.FSC1 & 3 are readily available on the net right now, but this one can help you finish the picture. Remember each FSC isn’t so much a replacement as thoughts held at that time by MB, so issues covered in FSC1 are sometimes not covered in FSC2 & vice versa so having them all will give you a better view of how Mike thinks.Anyway as it’s the time of year “Ho Ho Ho!” & all that, this may not be coming down your chimney, but it should keep you busy over the festive season For full details check out the website here
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