Mike Litman & Steve G. Jones – Fast-Track Life Coaching Certification Training
[2 eBooks – PDF, 31 Videos – FLV]
Please keep this exclusive to the Place!Introducing The Fast-Track Life Coaching CertificationProgram by Steve G. Jones and Mike Litman.The videos are screen captures of a powerpoint presentation with voice-over from Steve G. JonesFast-Track eBook – Life Coaching Certification ManualFast-Track Module 1 – Welcome to the CourseFast-Track Module 2 – Basic Life Coaching: PreviewFast-Track Module 3 – What is Life Coaching?Fast-Track Module 4 – How Life Coaching is Different from…Fast-Track Module 5 – The Value in Life CoachingFast-Track Module 6 – What Kind of People Want Life CoachingFast-Track Module 7 – Qualities in People Who Want Life CoachingFast-Track Module 8 – How People Benefit from Life CoachingFast-Track Module 9 – Preparing Yourself for CoachingFast-Track Module 10 – CommunicationFast-Track Module 11 – IntuitionFast-Track Module 12 – What Clients Will Look for from a Life CoachFast-Track Module 13 – Creating Value: Your Personal ExperienceFast-Track Module 14 – Creating Value: Knowing Your IntentionsFast-Track Module 15 – Coaching Model: First ConsultationFast-Track Module 16 – Coaching Model: Non-Directive ApproachFast-Track Module 17 – Helping the Client Deal with SetbacksFast-Track Module 18 – Beliefs and the Law of AttractionFast-Track Module 19 – VAKFast-Track Module 20 – Knowing your Clients Representational SystemFast-Track Module 21 – VisualizationFast-Track Module 22 – Life GoalsFast-Track Module 23 – Helping Clients Overcome FearsFast-Track Module 24 – Confronting HesitationFast-Track Module 25 – The Right QuestionsFast-Track Module 26 – The Wrong QuestionsFast-Track Module 27 – Reflective Questions to Ask your ClientsFast-Track Module 28 – Energy LevelsFast-Track Module 29 – AwarenessFast-Track Module 30 – ReviewDear friend, Do you ever feel like you could have taken a better path in life?Does the thought your that natural talents and abilities are not being utilized as best as they could be or perhaps even wasted ever cross your mind?Have you ever thought to yourself that you’re just way too smart to be doing whatever it is that you’re doing for a living?Are you tired of working for someone else and want to build your own business, but don’t know where to start?If you’ve answered yes to any one of these questions (and my guess is that you probably did otherwise you wouldn’t have visited this website) then shut your cell phone off, close out your e-mail and put whatever you’ve been doing on hold for the next five minutes because what you’re about to learn here can and will change your life forever, just as it has done for countless others.The fact of the matter is that many people around the world have felt just like you, at one point in their lives.They knew their lives’ were headed in the wrong direction. They knew that they were severely underutilizing their skills and talents. They knew in their hearts that they could be doing something better to serve humanity, while also being able to quit their job and build their own business.They Chose However, To Take Control Of Their Lives And Destinies By Doing One Simple Thing And that one simple thing changed everything.So what is this one simple thing that separates these people from you?What is it that these people got their hands on that enabled them to create financial independence using a business model that helps others tap into and leverage the greatest strengths within them?The simple answer is…… information.That’s right, the only thing that these people have that you don’t have right now is the information that reveals the secret to how you can actually do all the things that I just mentioned.In fact, in today’s world, that is really what separates those who are achieving success, doing what they love, from those who are watching their lives pass them by. Meanwhile, they’re stuck living paycheck to paycheck doing something that they find downright dreadful.In case you haven’t noticed, we are living in the information age.A few decades ago, when we were in the industrial age it was your ability to learn a trade that enabled you to get ahead in life.Today Information Is KingWithout a shadow of a doubt, it is your ability to access the most effective information at the right time… that increases your ability to be successful.Within the realm of those who attain success through information are two types of people; the people that seek information and the people who provide information.Both types of people live in harmony, can switch roles at various times and constantly remain in that cycle as their journey toward success proceeds.If you choose not to be a part of either one of these groups, your chances of success in this world of information that we live in are very limited and virtually non-existent.Information seekers are always on a mission to learn as much as they can about a given topic so that they can leverage their knowledge, to get ahead in life.Information providers – who were one point information seekers themselves – now pass along their knowledge in return for something else.That something else does not necessarily have to be related to money. There are some people who are just so passionate about helping others and providing them with the information that they need to change their lives, that they will do so for a small fee or even no money at all.For them, the ability to help shape someone else’s life is their dream.Then, there are the entrepreneurs of the world who see an opportunity in all of this.They know that within the circle of information providers is the opportunity to really help others take their life to the next level… all while building a profitable business that allows you to achieve financial independence and not have to work for someone else.Right now, you are an information seeker. And there’s nothing wrong with that. You have decided to visit this webpage, become proactive and start seeking the information that you need to build a profitable business, while helping others achieve their dreams.Once you attain the information needed to do this (just as many others have before you), you will now become an information provider.Because this cycle of information seekers and providers never ends (and in fact will only increase as technology advances) there will always be a desire to access the information that you provide.Let Me Explain how All Of This Works, Who I Am And More Importantly, Why You Should Listen To What I Have To Say My name is Steve G. Jones, clinical hypnotherapist and I have spent the past 25 years of my life helping people achieve positive lasting change through the power of hypnosis.And the method by which I do so is pretty simple. I implant certain messages into the subconscious mind of the person that I’m working with that causes them to think and behave in a way that is congruent with achieving whatever it is that is important to them.If they want to quit smoking, I implant messages in their brain that makes them not want to smoke or to have the desire to do so.If they want to lose weight, I implant messages that cause them to want to exercise and make better eating choices.At the end of the day, I’m nothing more than a coach, because that’s exactly what a coach does. A coach helps a person find whatever it is that is already within them and utilize it to make them more successful at achieving their goals. And The Fact Of The Matter Is That We All Need CoachesMichael Jordan was the greatest basketball player to ever play the game. Yet he had a coach by the name of Phil Jackson, (among many others prior to his NBA days) that helped him become better every single day.He never decided that because he was the best, he no longer needed the help of someone else; nor does any athlete for that matter.Athletes realize that regardless of how great their talent, ability or strength may be, it is their coaches who help them reach their potential by motivating them and bringing the best out of them.Coaches help people to become better by doing two things. First, they expose people to resources and information that they might not necessarily have had access to prior to the coaching, and secondly they provide a source of motivation for helping people to stay on track.In reality, just having the information is only part of the process. We all know that eating healthy and exercising roughly 5 days a week will give us the body that we want. Yet billions of people around the world spend billions of dollars each year looking for ways to lose weight. The reason for this is simple. We have the information but what we are lacking is the motivation to actually put that information to use. And that’s another reason why people can reach higher levels of potential with coaches, and they can without them.How does this benefit you? Well the answer is simple. First off, there will always be a need for life coaches because people almost always need information that they are lacking in some capacity. Even if they have the right information, they will always need to be motivated.These people are the information seekers of the world that I spoke about earlier. Their coaches are the information providers.Mike Litman is one guy who identified the fact that there will always be a need for coaches, a long time before just about anyone.Heck, that’s probably the reason why he was able to build an $8 million dollar coaching business in less time than it takes the average person to get a promotion at their job!For the past 10 years, Mike has solidified a position in the coaching world that shouts “expert”, “master” and “guru” all over it….and he’s built an empire in the process of doing so.The reason why his empire is so strong is because of his ability to transcend his deep knowledge of the coaching world to others so they can achieve the same levels of success that he has.Mike Litman is truly the best of the best when it comes to empowering people to help others. He equips them with the wisdom, specialized knowledge and secrets to become life coachesHis proven system for becoming a life coach is so effective, that some of his clients have made thousands on their very first coaching session.Now It’s Your Turn To Do The Same Today is the day that your life will change.I know….it’s a powerful statement, but trust me it’s true.You Will Now Be Able To Build A Brand New Business, Which Enables You To Create Your Own Schedule, Be Your Own Boss, Have More Freedom And Most Importantly Help Others Achieve Their Dreams By Providing The Sought After Information That They Need To Be SuccessfulNow, I realize some of you may be reading this thinking, “I have no idea how to become a life coach and help anyone achieve their dreams. Heck, I’m still in the process of getting my own life together.”Don’t worry; even if you’ve never given a single piece of good advice to someone in your life, this program is designed to take you from where you are now to being a master at helping others attain success.This Coaching Certification program consists of a step-by-step, easy to understand system that is going to enable you to understand and apply exactly what you need to help others take their life to the next level.The only reason why this may seem difficult or unrealistic for you is because you haven’t been exposed to the information already.And any time we don’t know anything about a particular topic, it can seem overwhelming.It’s nothing more than fear of the unknown.Remember your first day of school as a child? If you do, you’ll recall that you were probably scared, nervous and afraid of what it was going to be like, but in reality it turned out that there was nothing to be afraid of.The same is true of your ability to be a Life Coach. And with the tools that I’m going to provide you with, there’s no telling how far you can take the coaching business.Let’s take a closer look at some of the secrets that I will be reviewing in this amazing course:The Value Creation System – Here you will learn the exact steps needed to make your services so valuable that no one will be able to resist your offer.Level One Coaching Model – Learn the first steps involved in creating a simple but effective model of coaching that will enable you to help others reach new levels of potential. Entrepreneurial and Small Business Coaching – Here I’ll show you how to coach those natural born entrepreneurs who run their own business so they can maximize their profits.Career Planning and Development Coaching – Learn the difference between coaching those interested in taking their career to next level vs. those who work for themselves and how you can help them get ahead in their profession.Artistic Creativity Coaching – In this part of the program, you will learn how to help natural born artists take their talents and abilities to the next level so they can gain the most fulfillment possible.Identifying The Perfect Candidate – Here you’ll learn how to pick the right type of candidate based on the type of coaching needed to help them excel.Emotional Mastery – Because emotions are what ultimately drive our behaviors, you will learn how to motivate others to take action by effectively tapping into their emotions and becoming a master of influence..Goal Setting – Every person needs to set goals to achieve success. Here I’ll show you a simple but effective system for getting anyone to set measurable and realistic goals.Relationship Development – your ability to build and sustain relationships is ultimately what is going to enable you to be successful as a life coach. In this part of the program I’ll teach you everything you’ve ever wanted to know about developing powerful relationships with your clients that will last a lifetime.Communication Tactics – Not everyone processes information the same way and because of that you need to be able to communicate with each client differently. Here I’ll share some special techniques that will enable you to understand the best method of communication for each particular clientAssessing Needs – After understanding what your clients ultimate goals are in life, you will now be able to understand how to accurately assess their needs based on what they want to achieve. It may sound simple but in reality, sometimes people don’t even realize their own needs.The Power of Questions – In this part of the program you’ll learn how to utilize questions to extract the information that you need to take your client to the next level.Mastering Intuition – within all of us is a voice guiding us to the right direction. Sometimes however, it can be challenging to see her or trust that voice. Here you’ll not only learn to identify your own intuition, but you’ll learn how to teach others to identify it as well.Preparing For The Role – even if you have no idea how a life coach should present him or herself, don’t worry, because in this part of the program, I’ll show you exactly what clients expect from a life coach and how to deliver it . Motivational Tactics – Here, I’ll reveal a simple but effective method to instantly inspire and motivate your client to take action and strive for success.Developing Rapport -sometimes helping a person maximize their potential involves tough conversations. In order to have those conversations, you’re going to have to develop the right rapport with your client. In this part of the program, I’ll show you exactly how to do that.Four Circles of The Coaching Model – In this part of the program, you’ll be introduced to the four circles of the coaching model, which will give you a telescopic view of how the whole system works.Your First Consultation – Here I’ll show you the exact steps to take during your first consultation so that it goes smooth and sets the pace for future coaching sessions.Honing Your Approach Technique – In this part of the program I’ll show you how to begin to develop the technique that you will use in your approach to help lead your client to success.Overcoming Setbacks – just because you set the direction for your client doesn’t necessarily mean that they will never experience challenges and setbacks. It is your ability to overcome those aspects of the game that will ultimately enable you to gain their respect. You’ll learn everything you need to know about doing so in this part of the program.Program Development – Here you’ll learn how to assess your clients goals and put together a program for them to follow so that their dreams don’t fall by the wayside.Confronting Hesitation – Not every client is going to be ready to be proactive and take action. Here you’ll learn how to get even the most unmotivated person ready to take charge of their life.Developing Homework Assignments – Here I’ll show you a step-by-step system that will enable you to give your client home work assignments that will ensure they are staying on track to achieve their goals.And much much more!What I have to share with you is nothing more than a mere glimpse of everything that you will learn in this amazing program.But here’s where things get really interesting…..even though you’re going to learn an abundance of information, I’m going to deliver it in a simple, easy to understand manner that will ensure that you do not become overwhelmed and instead continue to learn.Does that sound like something that you could see yourself doing?Are you ready to quit your job, become your own boss and not have to answer to anyone but yourself ever again?Are you ready to have others respect and admire you because of your ability to help them become the best at whatever it is that they want to do?If so, then the Life Coach certification is for you.
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