Mike.Mahler – Level 1 Beginner Kettlebell Workshop
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New to kettlebell training? This is the DVD for you! Learn how to use kettlebells safely and effectively. Avoid injuries and maximize the benefits of kettlebell training todayWhat You Will Learn From The Beginner Kettlebell Training Workshop DVDHow to develop tremendous hip power to drive kettlebells overhead like hot air balloons.What to do to avoid banging up your wrists on cleans and snatches.What to do with your pelvis on swings to protect your lower back. If your back is getting sore from swings then your form needs some work.How to protect your back with a virtual belt so you do not have to look like a home depot employee when you train.How to train with kettlebells in a safe and effective manner to avoid potential injuries. Kettlebell training is very safe when executed properly. When practiced with poor technique it is a certainty that you will get injured.How and when to get as tight as possible to lift more weight then ever before and avoid unnecessary injuries.Why over tension is not advisable and when to use tension and how muchThe Importance of being able to get loose and tight in a single repetition. This will make a big difference in your workouts.How to breathe for maximum performanceHow to combine exercises for maximum strength in less time than ever before.The importance of balanced routines and the five categories that you must coverHow to structure a workout for maximum fat loss and strength and why 25-45 minute workouts are superior to 90 minute death marches.The biggest mistakes that people make when doing Windmills and Turkish Get-ups and how to avoid them. Most likely you are making these mistakes.Why the Bent press is not a press and how to do it properly once and for all (hint: it is all in the lats).Why you should pull yourself down on squats with your hamstrings instead of flopping down.Where to look on Kettlebell Military Presses for maximum power.How to avoid muscle imbalances by incorporating must have exercises into your routine. Muscle imbalances result in injuries that can be very painful and costly. Learn how to avoid them.Learn what the Five Pillars Of Kettlebell Training are and why you should be doing them.What joint mobility exercises to do before and after training to get prepared for the hard work ahead and to help recover after.A ten minute follow along joint mobility session that you can do every morning to energize for the day and before your workouts.Exercises That Are Covered On The Beginner Kettlebell Workshop DVDSwings: Two-arm and One-arm Swing: This is were it all starts for developing rapid hip flexors and for accelerating fat loss. It is not as simple as it looks. Learn the best way to do swings at the workshop and how to avoid getting a sore lower back.Cleans: One-arm and Double Clean: Are you banging up your wrists. You should not be even with the heaviest kettlebells. Without a perfect clean, forget about doing presses with confidence. It all starts here. Why you should open your hand and wrap your hand around the kettlebell rather than letting the kettlebell flip over and bang up your forearms.One arm snatch: Again, are you banging up your wrists? If you are, sign up right now or get good medical insurance. If you are banging up your wrists then you have no idea what you are doing and are wasting your time with snatches. You will be amazed at how good snatches feel when executed properly. No pun intended.Presses One-arm Military Press, One-arm Clean and Press, Double Military Press, Double Clean and Press, See-saw Press, and Floor Press: Many years ago the Military Press was the mark of upper body strength. Now people are lazy and like to lie down when doing presses. Learn why the military press is a half full body demonstration of tension and half relaxation and shock absorption. Learn why lat activation is critical for an important press. Learn why you should press two kettlebells like a barbell and lower two kettlebells like you would if you were doing push presses or jerks. You will be shocked at what a difference this makes.Bent Press: This is an incredible exercise for building up the lats for pressing. Learn why it is a” hold” more than it is a press. You will learn to focus on pushing your body away from the bell rather than pressing the bell away from you.Side Press: This is a hybrid of the military press and windmill. Both moves have to happen at the same time to make this one happen. Superb drill for working the shoulder, lats, and core all in one movement.Rows: One-arm Bent-over Row, Double Bent-over Row, Renegade Row: If you are not doing any bent-over rowing, then you are building an imbalanced body and can expect to have some nice shoulder injuries and shoulders that hunch forward. Learn how to do rows correctly to build a balanced powerful upper body. Learn how to hook your hand around the bell for maximum pulling power. You will be shocked what a tremendous difference this makes.Windmill: This is an exceptional exercise for building shoulder stability, core strength, and solid obliques. It is also an incredible for building flexibility in the shoulders and lower body. Done correctly, this exercise is safe and effective. Done incorrectly, it is a sure-fire way to get injured badly! Learn how to do it right before it is too late.Turkish Get-up: Forget about crunches and doing sit-ups all day long. Work your body as one unit and build a rock solid midsection. Learn the pattern of motion to make TGU’ seamless and productive.Kettlebell Arm Bar: Great drill for shoulder flexibility, core strength, and to crack your back in the best way possible!Leg Work: One-arm Front Squat, Double Front Squat, Suitcase Squat, Suitcase Kickstand Lunge: Learn the front squat that has tremendous carry over to sports and the hack squat that works the calves and glutes with one kettlebell behind your back. You will be amazed by how heavy one kettlebell feels in this position. What is great about various kettlebell squats is that they do not place any strain on the lower back, Moreover, if you get in trouble you can simply let go of the weight. No spotters or squat racks are required. For variety or as staples in your program focus on the kickstand Lunge to work one leg at a time. It is not a technically demanding drill and you can get it into your program from day one.Other Exercises that are covered: high pull, medium pull, push press, Romanian deadlfit, Janda Sit-up, Hindu Pushup, Hindu Squat, and more.
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