Mike Mandel – Peak Performance Hypnosis ( 2 MP3 )
The Peak Performance audio CD is all about teaching you how to make changes to improve the quality of your life.You will learn how to use neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) techniques to literally re-program your unconscious mind. The beauty of this audio CD is that it has widespread appeal to so many aspects of your life. The word “performance” is often associated to sports and athletes – and these tools certainly apply! But remember, NLP tools address the unconscious mind. They are just as powerful with athletes as they are in helping you to overcome confidence issues (public speaking anyone?), overcoming smoking or other addictions, or for generating new beliefs to supercharge your level of motivation with respect to something that is important to you.Perhaps it is weight loss, fitness, learning a new language, or kicking butt on an upcoming exam.In this clip, Mike Mandel explains how the “personal edits” taught in New Code NLP tend to generalize, meaning that if you apply the tools to your personal confidence in a professional setting, the “edit” will tend to spill over into other areas of your life. How’s that for a nice bonus? Peak Performance with Self Hypnosis for learning core strategies to improve your performance in almost any area of life.Peak Performance with Self Hypnosis: This CD teaches you cutting-edge “new code” NLP techniques to break through barriers, create personal change and literally change the way you feel and act. What usually stops you from taking action is the state of mind that you are in. You can use this CD alone to change your entire attitude so that you are a man / woman of ACTION. Dr. Mike Mandel is a qualified trainer of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and is affiliated with NLPWorks, who offer Canada’s most complete NLP training. Mike holds a doctorate in clinical hypnosis. He teaches advanced Ericksonian hypnosis, via his own school of hypnosis, to interested lay people, therapists and doctors. Dr. Mike Mandel is certified in a number of highly effective psychotherapeutic disciplines that get rapid results. His private practice included flying to Australia to help a rock star.Testimonials”I had a tough year getting over the loss of a love. Your Peak Performance CD sat on my shelf for 3 months, but I finally listened to it. Mike, it has made all the difference in the world for me! I’ve seen a psychologist 3 times in the last month to deal with the anxiety. It helped a bit, but not nearly as much as the personal edits from your CD. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for the gift of Peak Performance. It was a God send.” – S. B. from Vancouver, BC. “Mike Mandel’s Peak Performance with Self Hypnosis is scientifically sound as it exemplifies the finest blend of the research practitioner model in Clinical Psychology”- Konstantine Zakzanis, Ph.D., C.Psych, Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience, University of Toronto Scarborough College
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