Mind Tek – Triggers 6 CD Set
http://www.mind-tek.com/triggers.htmlThis is a six CD set on motivation and hypnosis from Mind-Tek This breakthrough program teaches you an incredible technology that involves your verbal left brain, the visual right brain and the emotions of your body. You’ll learn how to:Record memories in a whole new way with a system that taps both your intellectual memory (integrating your verbal left brain and visual right brain) as well as your emotional memory (how your body perceives experiences through your senses). This new memory paradigm will allow you to open the floodgates to your virtually limitless memory powers.Learn how to program your mind to turn on, at your command, the essential requirement for success—motivation. The specific techniques can be performed in a matter of seconds. You’ll receive full instruction in each of the 6 breakthrough “mind power” techniques and taught a system for insuring the results are permanent, so you won’t revert back to old habits or self-defeating ways of thinking. That’s especially important when getting rid of bad habits to insure you don’t “backslide” a few days or weeks later.It may be the simplest and most powerful personal motivation system ever invented. Created by a psychiatric social worker and professional hypnotist, this 12 workshop course reveals a technology to program yourself to succeed. How? You’ll be given key reprogramming techniques clearly spelled out in step-by-step detail for activating a powerful, pre-conditioned mental reflex known as a “trigger.”You set a specific target, some goal or desire you have then fire off your “trigger” and be astonished at how quickly and easily you can convert your desires into doable actions.8 TRIGGERS Motivation Breakthroughs:BREAKTHROUGH #1 (The Trigger Technique)A few minutes is all it takes for you to create a “trigger”—the powerful mental reflex that is the foundation for all programming techniques in this course. Whether you want to market your creative talents, make a difficult career move, or even go on a diet, when you use your “trigger,” you’ll never have to push yourself to get motivated!BREAKTHROUGH #2 (The Mental Blueprint)Master new skills and challenges using the same technique Olympic champions have used to insure peak performances. In seven easy steps, you can use the mental blueprint technique not only to master new skills speedily, but to take on the winning ways of those you admire most.BREAKTHROUGH #3 (Multi-Channel Thinking)Ever wonder why some people can solve problems in a snap or come up with creative ideas almost instantly? Chances are they’ve mastered the technique of using all their thinking channels and not just the one or two that most people get by with. Now with the easy multi-channel thinking exercise, you can actually prime your mind to think more creatively, solve problems, learn, and apply new information quickly.BREAKTHROUGH #4 (The Mental Pentagon)By using your “mental pentagon” you can now direct your own personal “war” against illness and along with your doctor’s treatment, help yourself get well more quickly. Based on scientific research on the power of positive thinking in healing disease, this technique teaches powerful health promoting imagery.BREAKTHROUGH #5 (Inner Power Generator)At the root of every habit you’ve tried to break is a particular kind of inner conflict – not lack of motivation or willpower. Now with the Inner Power Generator system you can learn to substitute desirable behavior for unwanted habits.BREAKTHROUGH #6 (The New Hypnosis)Through self-hypnosis you can make every technique in this course even more potent. With safe and easy induction methods, you can learn to hypnotize yourself to erase unreasonable fears, ease minor pains and aches, and increase your powers of concentration.
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