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MindHarmonics – Presence Meditation BETA v1

MindHarmonics – Presence Meditation BETA v1 [3 MP3s]
[3 MP3s]



Note: FLAC version available here: IS IT?A friend of mine is a beta-tester for a new meditation product called MindHarmonics – Presence Meditation, and I am making the beta version available here for your enjoyment I will tell you what I know about it and how to use it.Apparantly, the MindHarmonics meditation tracks use a completely new brain entrainment method that the developers call binaural phase-shifting. This is not the same as binaural beats.WHAT DOES IT DO?Listening to the MindHarmonics Presence Meditation makes it possible for the listener to experience the state of “presence” described by Eckhart Tolle. If you have experienced it, you know what I am talking about. It is a peaceful state where one is completely aware of being aware, and with no thoughts or few thoughts.Even though you might have experienced presence, it might not have lasted that long, maybe a few seconds or minutes… before “getting lost in thought” again. I have found that by listening to the MindHarmonics Presence Meditation regularly, actually each night before going to bed, I become present (or conscious of being conscious while conscious of any thoughts, emotions, sensations or impressions that arise) for periods of 1-2 hours.Not only does this program make you more likely to be present while listening. It also increases your presence in daily life… just like one hour in the gym three times a week makes you stronger in daily life.The more presence you have, in any situation in life, the less suffering… Presence is not a pie-in-the-sky experience of floating in golden clouds with a wizard. It is simply a very, very peaceful experience where you are completely your self, and where any negative emotions or thoughts seam to lose their power and dissolve.I highly recommend it!INSTRUCTIONSThe meditation program consists of 3 MP3s, labeled A, B and C. They sound something like a soothing thunderstorm with rain, and is actually quite comfortable to listen to! There are no vocals or subliminals.Preparation1. Find a quiet place were you can sit or lie undisturbed for the duration of the meditation, arms and legs uncrossed and spine as straight as possible.2. Use good-quality stereo headphones, with a frequency response down to at least 20 Hz.3. Have tracks A, B and C in that order in your playlist. 4. For the shortest meditation, listen to track A only. For a longer meditation, listen to A+B and for an even longer meditation listen to A+B+C and for crazy hardcore meditation listen to A+B+C+C+C+C…. until you become enlightened 4. Start track A and adjust the volume so that it is comfortable to listen to. Pause and rewind if you are not going to meditate now.The Meditation1. There is nothing you need to do, in terms of thinking, visualization, imagination or feeling, for the meditation to work.2. If you want the greatest effectiveness, then completely allow, and be aware     a. Body sensations, such as heat, cold, tension, itching etc.     b. Thoughts, in the form of internal monologue or dialogue.     c. Emotions.     d. Impressions, in the form of visualized images, imagined sounds etc.3. Regardless of the sensations, thoughts, emotions or impressions that arise into your awareness: You are completely safe.4. To emphasize once more: Completely allow, and be aware of any sensations, thoughts, emotions or impressions that might arise. If you notice yourself resisting something that arises, be aware of the resistance and gently let it go.The Neo Meditation – Simple Meditation Instructions for Nerds Be aware, as if you are wearing some kind of multi-sensory virtual reality suit, or that you are “plugged into the Matrix”, and with curiosity are observing all the body sensations, thoughts, emotions and impressions coming to you through this virtual reality suit. You are the one wearing the suit. You are not the suit. The more you are aware of how the suit provides you with sensations, thoughts, emotions and impressions, the more you are able to be effective in life, while wearing the suit. Who are you without the suit?ENJOY!PS! I hope this description was not too long… The developers of the product are not online yet, so there is no “official” instructions on how to use it, other than those I have described and that are used by the beta testers.PS2! I will also be uploading a larger FLAC version, for those who want the highest possible quality.


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