Monroe Institute – Forgiveness Meditation (Spatial Angle Modulation Technology)
Forgiveness Meditation
[1 MP3]
Forgiveness Meditation by The Monroe Institute[MP3 – 192 kbps – CBR]Length – 27:11 minAs the anniversary of the terrorist activity of September 11, 2001 approaches, you might want to take some time to connect with yourself and those around you. Although this was certainly one of the darkest moments in America’s history and came at an unimaginable and dear cost, it also serves as an opportunity to think of ways to combat evil with love, hatred with tolerance, and discord with peace. As you remember the events of that morning, we also invite you to think about the ways in which we can contribute to the global healing that is still very badly needed. On this anniversary, we ask that each of us look for a way to extend a hand, connect, and if you are ready, begin thinking about the healing that can occur through forgiveness. With that in mind, when a friend from the Local Chapter Network notified us that they were holding their next meeting on September 11th and planned to focus much of their meeting on healing and forgiveness for the 10th anniversary of 9/11, we decided to produce a special meditation so all that could join in.We asked Peter Russell for help and here and he created the following meditation, 27 Minutes of Forgiveness.We also want to remind everyone to be very gentle with yourselves as you remember the events of 2001 and seek any help that you might need if you are still sorting through the difficult feelings that can arise in remembering that time. Please also take a moment to hold all of the people and families that were directly affected by this tragedy in healing light and offer love to them and to their loved ones. We believe in the power of this community, thank you for joining in as we offer healing support to all.How to ListenBefore: • For at least one half hour prior to listening to these exercises, refrain from eating heavily, drinking alcohol, or using drugs. • Go to the bathroom and empty your bladder. • Loosen any tight clothing and remove your shoes, eyeglasses, and contact lenses. • Adjust the volume to a low comfortable level. It is only important that you hear the words; your brain will automatically respond to the synchronized Spatial Angle Modulation™ technology.During: • Use stereo headphones/speakers. • Listen in a room with low light where there will be no interruptions for the duration of the exercise. • Have a blanket available. • Lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Keep your head supported. • If you have an itch, scratch. You will be able to easily return to your pattern of relaxation. • Visualize yourself doing what the words state. • It is not important that you stay awake. The exercises will be equally effective if you fall asleep while listening.Precautions: • These exercises will alter your normal waking state of consciousness. Do not listen while driving or operating heavy equipment. • Do not listen to these exercises if you have a history or tendency toward seizures. • Do not use with other light and sound devices.This recording uses Spatial Angle Modulation or SAM, a new audio support technology developed by The Monroe Institute. You can read more about it here:Spatial Angle Modulation Technology
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