Morty Lefkoe – The Occurring Course
Lefkoe Occurring Course1
[1 CD – 10 MP3s]
Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! This is an ongoing group buy. Join here that you had the ability to dissolve any inner limitation on-the-spot. What would you do with your life? Who would you be? How would your life be different right now?Would you achieve more than you ever thought possible? Would your relationships be richer and more rewarding? Would you have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you are now living your best life?Overcome The Most Difficult Aspect Of Making ChangeThe hardest part about most programs for change isn’t learning new ways of thinking or behaving; the hardest part is continuing that process. Usually you have to practice a technique to get results and then continue practicing… forever.That’s why this course is so different… and so powerful.The Lefkoe Occurring Process (LOP) will become so deeply embedded into your mind that it becomes automatic. You won’t have to constantly use it to continue getting results. You’ll find that you “use” the LOP so fast that you don’t even know it until a formerly upsetting event has passed.Of course there is one caveat. You do have to prime the pump with this technique. Just like those old fashioned water pumps, pulling the handle only once won’t get the water flowing. And it’s the same with this method. You’ve got to apply it over and over before it becomes automatic and then the positive results will flow into your life effortlessly after that. And that’s exactly what will happen when you complete this course.Are you ready for the challenge? What Exactly Is Occurring?Occurring is how life appears to you in any given moment. It’s the result of the meaning you’re giving reality as you perceive it. Yes, even now as you read this page you’re giving it meaning.Let me explain. “Reality” is what you just read. Period.It may be occurring for you, however, as “I wonder what Morty has in store for me now,” as a possible exciting opportunity, or as “Why did Morty send out another email? I don’t really have time to read it.”The problem is you think how you feel about what I’ve written is an accurate description of what I’ve written. It isn’t. What I’ve written and how it occurs for you are two totally different things and most of us never make a distinction between the two.This occurring is happening whether you’re feeling good or bad, if you’ve taken 100 personal growth courses or none. If your friend just yelled at you, it may occur to you that this person is merely having a bad day, or he could occur to you as a jerk.If you’ve been invited someplace, the invitation could occur to you as a great opportunity or as an obligation you have to fulfill.As you can see, the same reality can occur for us in many different ways.Because we usually don’t distinguish between reality and how it occurs for us, we think the meaning we are giving reality is the same as reality. It isn’t.And because they are different, we can dissolve the (unconscious) meaning we give reality so that reality has a neutral occurring for us. We actually can learn to choose how reality occurs for us. Which results in more effective behavior, empowering emotions, and a radically different experience of life. Earlier this year, I taught 20 people how to use the Lefkoe Occurring Process (LOP), a technique I created recently. Because of what they achieved, I can promise when you complete the new Occurring Course you’ll be able to… * Stop fears that are holding you back. * Dissipate anger that ruins relationships. * Dissolve upsets so you can move forward. * Melt resistance to taking action now.You will be better in every way imaginable because, when this process becomes automatic, you’ll instantly apply it to situations that would have upset you in the past. Only later will you discover you hadn’t gotten upset when confronted with “upsetting” events.That’s exactly what members of the course told me happened to them when I interviewed them after the course was completed. What Else Can You Expect To Gain From Joining?After you complete the course, you’ll find that many things have changed for you. You will be able to dissolve your fears at will. Anger and annoyances at others will no longer be a problem. You’ll be able to take action on important goals because you’re no longer stopped by upsets and other negative feelings.All this happens because you’ll.. * Shift the meaning of “negative” events, such as an argument or a lack of money, that normally cause anxiety and depression, into empowering interpretations that energize and excite you. * Catch yourself whenever you forget that how things occur for you is NOT reality, that it is only the result of the meaning you have given reality… and you’ll know exactly what to do to break free. * Transcend the limitations of your organization’s beliefs so you can excel despite a “negative” or “can’t do it” culture. * Transform your relationship with “difficult” people so you not only stop feeling bad around these people, you may even find yourself having compassion for them. * Discover how to break through obstacles to creating the “occurring” that you want to create—I’ll be honest with you, changing your occurring can be difficult at times. But applying the techniques I’ve already developed and some new ones we will create together in our course will allow you to sail through these difficulties like a hot knife through butter. * Live in the empowered state as the “Creator Of Your Life” whenever you want, because you’ll be able to create your experience of life minute by minute.Course ScheduleThe first live session of the course will take place on a webinar on Tuesday, October 12 and go from 6-7:30 p.m. Pacific Time. Each of the 9 following live sessions will take place on consecutive Tuesdays.Here are the dates and times of all 10 sessions:February 1, 6-7:30 p.m. Pacific TimeFebruary 8, 6-7:30 p.m. Pacific TimeFebruary 15, 6-7:30 p.m. Pacific TimeFebruary 22, 6-7:30 p.m. Pacific TimeMarch 1, 6-7:30 p.m. Pacific TimeMarch 8, 6-7:30 p.m. Pacific TimeMarch 15, 6-7:30 p.m. Pacific TimeMarch 22, 6-7:30 p.m. Pacific TimeMarch 29, 6-7:30 p.m. Pacific TimeApril 5, 6-7:30 p.m. Pacific TimeAn MP3 of each class will be prepared and made available within 24 hours to people who cannot attend any given class. People who attended also will be able to download the MP3 if they want to listen again.Before You Join, You Must AgreeTo The Following RequirementsBefore you sign up please make sure you qualify. Here are the requirements.1. You are committed to creating a life of freedom and joy … a life of your own choosing. Not that you would like to have that, but that you will do whatever it takes to have that.2. You’ve watched this video: You have eliminated the 19 beliefs and four conditionings on our Natural Confidence (or Stress) packages, and you have done the Who Am I Really? exercise at least ten times. (If you haven’t fulfilled this requirement and you want to register for the course, please call me immediately at (415) 884-0552 so we can show you how to get these requirements met.)4. You are committed to doing your assignments for the entire 10 weeks. You will post your experience during the week to the group by the end of the day each Monday and then read everyone else’s posts on Tuesday before the class. Much of what we do after the first few classes will be determined by what all of the group members are learning along the way, so this is essential to our success. (By the way, I intend do everything you are doing right along side you for the entire 10 weeks.)5. You are committed to participate in every one of the 10 conference calls or listen to an MP3 of the call within 24 hours of receipt.6. You are committed to helping to turn the Lefkoe Occurring Process into a tool by the time we complete our time together that can be made available to the world that will enable millions of people to transform the way they experience their lives.If you do all of this, here is my promise to you: You will learn how to choose the way you experience your life. No matter what the circumstances. Twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year. ———————————————————So far this is 6 mp3s of 10. The others will be uploaded as the teleseminars are completed. The next occurring course in January will also be included in this group buy and will have questions included from GB contributors.
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