Moshe Feldenkrais – HADAKA-JIME: The Core Technique for Practical Unarmed Combat
Moshe Feldenkrais – HADAKA-JIME – The Core Technique for Practical Unarmed Combat (2009).pdf
[1 ebook – PDF]
This new exclusive material is the result of the Feldenkrais Mega group buy.This group buy forum is listed at:: The Core Technique for PRACTICAL UNARMED COMBATAuthors: Moshe FeldenkraisPublished: 2009Book Description: 92 pages scanned, OCRed & bookmarked.Hadaka-Jime: Practical Unarmed Combat is a unique training program that is based on one core technique. Dr. Feldenkrais developed the program as emergency training for soldiers in World War II. Through ten one-hour lessons, soldiers learned to defend themselves against an armed opponent in the most rapid and effective way possible.The program is based on one Judo technique.Feldenkrais emphasized concepts of the learning process throughout the book. He encouraged the reader to maintain a relaxed attitude, to start with slow and precise movements as he explained the timing. and to master the movements by repetition. The result would be a spontaneous movement which was correct and precise.He claimed that a fighter must first acquire the ability and then put it to practical use. Thus, the first three lessons teach the core technique, Hadaka-Jime. The remaining lessons implement the technique in a variety of situations – against armed or unarmed attacks from different directions – all of which culminate in the use of the core technique. This approach deepens the learning so that the fighter can effectively perform the core technique with many alternatives to survive the situation.The web site for this book is at: web site for Moti Nativ and Warrior Awareness is at:http://www.Warriors-Awareness.comPlease keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to everyone who is supporting this group buy.Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute at:… Thanks, Mazen
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