Music Me Free – Delta Boost : Sleep and Meditation Intensive Mp3 Program
Delta Boost
[112 MP3s, 4 PDFs, 14 JPEGs]
SHARING THIS ELSEWHERE WILL GET YOU BANNEDTHIS IS A EXCLUSIVEKEEPING IT THAT WAY WILL BE APPRECIATEDDelta Boost Sleep and Meditation Intensive Mp3 ProgramMusic Edition : 192 kbps – CBRNature Edition : 320 kbps – CBRWelcome To Delta BoostDelta Boost consists of several 30 minute ambient music and nature sounds mp3 tracks embedded with harmonic box x entrainment for inducing deep states of relaxation, meditation, sleep and more. Harmonic box x consists of a combination of special frequencies known as monaural beats and binaural beats (isochronic tones are also used in some of the Nature Sounds mp3’s). Binaural beats, monaural beats and isochronic tones are repetitious rhythmic beats which help to change dominant brainwave patterns to brainwave states that are conducive to relaxation, meditation, focus, creativity, energy and so on.Delta Boost is a excellent choice for those who desire a brainwave entrainment meditation program similar to Holosync or Hemi Sync.Relax and Let Go Many health problems, among other factors, are connected with not relaxing enough and not getting a rejuvenating night of sleep. Without enough deep, rejuvenating sleep we age quicker and become sick more often.If you need a boost to slow down and take a time out, increasing your delta brainwave pattern is definitely an experience you can benefit from.By reclining, putting on headphones, closing your eyes, and listening to the Delta Boost mp3’s you will experience increased delta brainwave activity and the benefits associated with delta brainwaves. (Delta Boost also works without headphones). How Delta Boost Meditation Music Helps You Delta Boost meditation music can help you achieve deep relaxation and meditation. Through listening to our Delta Boost meditation music mp3’s you can be more relaxed, happier, and more alert. What’s more, recent studies have shown the possibilities of significant physical health benefits such as lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and improved arterial health if you meditate daily. And Delta Boost can be used asa effective meditation aid. In light of using out Delta Boost meditation music as a aid to meditation the mp3’s can enable you to experience all the benefits of intense meditation while requiring less effort on your part to achieve the meditative state. In this age when we are continually racing against the clock, it is indeed a blessing to have at our disposal a method that helps us improve our lives and health without losing sleep over it.Two Editions of Delta BoostDelta Boost includes two editions (Ambient Music Edition and Nature Sounds Edition). There are 98 Delta Boost mp3’s & 14 mp3’s for descending to the delta level. Also includes 4 eBooks.Each session in the Ambient Music Edition contains 2 one minute ambient music tracks (different in each session) which are looped to last 15 minutes each (30 minutes total per session). The brain is entrained more quickly by such repetition (rather then trying to listen to numerous varities of ambient tracks during one session). Ultimately the rhythmic beating of the harmonic box x in the background of the music is what is important.There are no voices in the Delta Boost mp3’s. But you are free to add your own affirmations and voiceovers to the Delta Boost mp3’s for personal use.Delta Boost is set up so that the next level is more intense than the one before it. It is based on the concept that by lowering the carrier frequency in each level additional benefits and brain stimulation take place. For example, after your mind gets accustomed to all 7 tracks in level 1 you move on to level 2 and start the process all over again, but this time the carrier frequency is lower, and your brain creates neural pathways for the new stimulation, and so on down to the last 7 tracks in level 7.Although the brainwave states of beta, alpha, theta, delta are present in everyone to a greater or lesser degree, nonetheless everyone has a signature brainwave activity that has a distinct rhythm and pattern that has developed over time and through habit.Delta Boost will help boost the Delta rhythm of your brain. But this does not mean your brain will automatically become devoid of beta, alpha and theta brainwave activity. It is important to maintain a healthy level of brainwave activity from every level (beta, alpha, theta, delta). But some can benefit from more of one brainwave state (such as more delta, or more theta etc.) than another.The harmonic box x entrainment we added to the Delta Boost mp3’s is programmed with Delta and sub-Delta (Epsilon) frequencies (3.5 hz., 2.5, 2, 1.5, 1, .5, .3). But the music we inserted into each mp3 will at times trigger some alpha and theta brainwave activity, and slight beta activity if there are any “high notes” in the music, which is all beneficial as far as keeping a healthy amount and balance between delta, theta, alpha and beta brainwave activity.The primary benefit of Delta Boost mp3’s is the deep relaxation (and enhancement to your meditation) the music and frequencies combined together produce.Taking a Time Out Each Day (Some Food For Thought)When you take a “time out” each day as you listen to Delta Boost tracks, try focusing your attention inwardly and upwardly (not with your eyes, but with your attention) with strong intent and aspiration (or love and devotion if you believe in God). Eventually you will pierce through the surface level of the sub conscious which stands between your outer mind and your inner mind.The surface level of the sub conscious is fed and programmed by upbringing, repeated habits and repeated thinking processes, religion, education, culture, society, teachers…and the like. Most peoples lives are a reflection of their sub conscious beliefs and thinking patterns. But what many fail to access is that portion of the sub conscious which is gently fed, taught, guided and empowered from within by the Spirit of God.In that “secret place” there is power for enduring and/or (depending on what is best for your development at the time) overcoming life’s difficulties. There are new desires and new aspirations and a new you, the real you, awaiting your recognition and will to follow. A better you means a better world a step at a time.Reaching this secret place in spirit beyond the surface level of the sub conscious is the purpose of meditation, and it is our hope that Delta Boost can be used as a tool to help quicken this process.How Long To Listen To Each Mp3Each mp3 is 30 minutes. If you desire a hour session, you can combine 2 consecutive tracks, and listen to the same tracks every day for 2 weeks or longer before moving to the next track or tracks. But there are no hard and fast rules. Some may benefit from listening to the same track for only a few days or 1 week before moving to the next.Delta Boost Product DetailsTo understand why our mp3’s are unique and different than the average relaxation music or meditation music mp3’s please see our brainwave entrainment section for an explanation.In the Delta Boost: Delta Sleep and Meditation Mp3 Program there are 7 levels with 7 sub levels. There are 7 main mp3 tracks + 1 extra mp3 track in each level for descending to the delta frequencies.Each mp3 in Delta Boost consists of harmonic box x entrainment (which is a combination of binaural beats and monaural beats), and 2 different ambient tracks.The extra mp3 track (Down Flow track) in each level consists of flowing water and harmonic box x which descends from 10 hz – 4 hz. Each mp3 is 30 minute.Understanding The Different Frequencies Used in Delta BoostDelta Boost is based on the concept (invented by Bill Harris) that by changing the carrier frequency to a lower carrier frequency as one goes from one level to the next causes new neural pathways to be created in the brain and thus added benefits are experienced. Each of the 7 levels in Delta Boost consists of a carrier frequency which is used in every sub level for that level.The carrier frequencies used in the 7 levels are:Level 1: 136.10 HzLevel 2: 126.22 HzLevel 3: 111 HzLevel 4: 83 HzLevel 5: 63 HzLevel 6: 55 HzLevel 7: 33 HzThe 7 primary mp3 tracks in each level consist of the same delta and epsilon frequencies which are:Track 1: 3.5 HzTrack 2: 2.5 HzTrack 3: 2.0 HzTrack 4: 1.5 HzTrack 5: 1.0 HzTrack 6: .5 HzTrack 7: .3 HzFor example, every delta frequency (3.5 Hz, 2.5 Hz, 2 Hz, 1.5 Hz, 1 Hz, .5 Hz, .3 Hz) in Level 1 has a carrier frequency of 136.10 Hz.When you get to Level 2 the seven tracks in that level have a carrier frequency of 126.22 Hz.Thus the next level is more intense than the level before it.If you want, you can listen to 2 tracks side by side thus creating an hour session.Delta BrainwavesThe Delta brainwave range is from about 0.5 Hz – 4 Hz. Following are details of potential benefits in the delta brainwave range: Deep dreamless sleep, trance, suspended animation; Anti-aging. Reduces amount of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress and aging. Increases the levels of DHEA (anti-aging) and melatonin (decreases aging process.) Associated with unconscious mind and sleep state. Conducive to miracle type healing, divine knowledge, inner being and personal growth, rebirth, trauma recovery, “one with the universe” experiences (samadhi), near death experience, characterized by “unknowing”, merely a blissful “being” state such as deep sleep”. (For complete benefits of delta brainwaves see the article Delta Brainwaves.)As was mentioned above, The Delta Boost: Delta Sleep and Meditation Mp3 Program is set up so that the next level is more intense than the one before it. It is based on the concept that by lowering the carrier frequency in each level additional benefits and brain stimulation take place. For example, after your mind gets accustomed to all 7 tracks in level 1 you move on to level 2 and start the process all over again, but this time the carrier frequency is lower, and your brain creates neural pathways for the new stimulation, and so on down to the last 7 tracks in level 7.Ambient Music Edition With Harmonic Box X (Binaural Beats and Monaural Beats)Each track is embedded with Harmonic Box x and 2 Ambient music tracks, and is 30 minutesThere are no voices, lyrics, or scripts in the mp3s.NOTE: The Down Flow track in each level is identical except for the carrier frequency. The Down Flow track can be used before each session for descending down to the delta level. This track consists of flowing water with a entrainment frequency that begins at 10 HZ, and remains there for 8 minutes, before gradually dropping to 6.5 HZ where it remains for 6 minutes, before gradually dropping to the top of the delta level at 4 HZ where it remains for the remainder of the session. If your mind is racing before a session you can use this session before each track to help relax your mind and bring you to the delta level.Delta Boost Level 1: All Thoughts Behind (Carrier Frequency = 136.10 Hz)Down Flow Track: Descends from 10 hz – 4 hz, Carrier Frequency = 136.10 hzLevel 1, Track 1 (3.5 Hz): A Gentle GuideLevel 1, Track 2 (2.5 Hz): Ancient Book Of WisdomLevel 1, Track 3 (2 Hz): ProgressLevel 1, Track 4 (1.5 Hz): Shaping CloudsLevel 1, Track 5 (1 Hz): Turning In The ShadowLevel 1, Track 6 (.5 Hz): All Thoughts BehindLevel 1, Track 7 (.3 Hz): Dreaming SoftlyDelta Boost Level 2: Uncovering The Veil (Carrier Frequency = 126.22 Hz)126.22 Hz: This is the frequency of the sun and it advances the feeling of centering of magic of the transcendental. “Meditation carried out to this tone will lead to state beyond good and bad, shame and guilt, beyond space and time, knowledge and wisdom, action and rest an being and not-being. It leads to a state where being has no name, to a state where the all-one and the all encompassing are no longer separate entities but are reunited at their one common origin, the origin that is also you.Down Flow Track: Descends from 10 hz – 4 hz, Carrier Frequency = 126.22 hzLevel 2, Track 1 (3.5 Hz): Distance MemoriesLevel 2, Track 2 (2.5 Hz): Floating GentlyLevel 2, Track 3 (2 Hz): Slow Steps Toward ChangeLevel 2, Track 4 (1.5 Hz): FreedomLevel 2, Track 5 (1 Hz): Mind FieldsLevel 2, Track 6 (.5 Hz): Soothing PromiseLevel 2, Track 7 (.3 Hz): Uncovering The VeilDelta Boost Level 3: Releasing The Blocks (Carrier Frequency = 111 Hz)111 Hz: Beta endorphins. Cell regeneration.Down Flow Track: Descends from 10 hz – 4 hz, Carrier Frequency = 111 hzLevel 3, Track 1 (3.5 Hz): Golden Strings Of EmpathyLevel 3, Track 2 (2.5 Hz): Behind All ThoughtsLevel 3, Track 3 (2 Hz): StillnessLevel 3, Track 4 (1.5 Hz): Calling VoicesLevel 3, Track 5 (1 Hz): Fly Above The FieldsLevel 3, Track 6 (.5 Hz): Releasing The BlocksLevel 3, Track 7 (.3 Hz): Sharp VibrationsDelta Boost Level 4: Through The Purple Glass (Carrier Frequency = 83 Hz)83 Hz: Third eye opening for some people.Down Flow Track: Descends from 10 hz – 4 hz, Carrier Frequency = 83 hzLevel 4, Track 1 (3.5 Hz): Sailing Down The StreamLevel 4, Track 2 (2.5 Hz): Distance ShoreLevel 4, Track 3 (2 Hz): The ShelterLevel 4, Track 4 (1.5 Hz): Soft VortexLevel 4, Track 5 (1 Hz): The Center Of The Lotus FlowerLevel 4, Track 6 (.5 Hz): Through The Purple GlassLevel 4, Track 7 (.3 Hz): Climbing Up The HillDelta Boost Level 5: Rising Slowly (Carrier Frequency = 63 Hz)63 Hz: Associated with astral projection.Down Flow Track: Descends from 10 hz – 4 hz, Carrier Frequency = 63 hzLevel 5, Track 1 (3.5 Hz): Fountain Of StrengthLevel 5, Track 2 (2.5 Hz): Rising SlowlyLevel 5, Track 3 (2 Hz): My Private PlaceLevel 5, Track 4 (1.5 Hz): Gliding Down SlowlyLevel 5, Track 5 (1 Hz): Message From A Distance LandLevel 5, Track 6 (.5 Hz): Out Of The ShadowsLevel 5, Track 7 (.3 Hz): Strong FoundationDelta Boost Level 6: Beyond The Horizon (Carrier Frequency = 55 Hz)55 Hz: Associated with kundalini awakening.Down Flow Track: Descends from 10 hz – 4 hz, Carrier Frequency = 55 hzLevel 6, Track 1 (3.5 Hz): The PromiseLevel 6, Track 2 (2.5 Hz): Turning The Pages Of TimeLevel 6, Track 3 (2 Hz): Beyond The HorizonLevel 6, Track 4 (1.5 Hz): Threads Of AnticipationLevel 6, Track 5 (1 Hz): Waiting Before CompletionLevel 6, Track 6 (.5 Hz): Hidden MessagesLevel 6, Track 7 (.3 Hz): In The CenterDelta Boost Level 7: Center Of Awareness (Carrier Frequency = 33 Hz)33 Hz: Associated with Christ Consciousness.Down Flow Track: Descends from 10 hz – 4 hz, Carrier Frequency = 33 hzLevel 7, Track 1 (3.5 Hz): Witness At The PortalLevel 7, Track 2 (2.5 Hz): Day DreamingLevel 7, Track 3 (2 Hz): Floating ExpressionsLevel 7, Track 4 (1.5 Hz): Revolving DoorLevel 7, Track 5 (1 Hz): The Center Of AwarenessLevel 7, Track 6 (.5 Hz): The Path To DiscoveryLevel 7, Track 7 (.3 Hz): Unlock The Golden BoxNature Sounds EditionThe important part of every mp3 in Delta Boost is the rhythmic beating of the harmonic box x entrainment. Ambient music was added for purposes of variety so the sessions won’t become boring listening to.Some brainwave music enthusiasts primarily prefer the music to be louder, and the actual entrainment kept to a moderate or minimum noise level.Others prefer it when the brainwave entrainment frequencies (in this case harmonic box x) are more intense (louder), and the background noise or music is kept to a minimum.In the Ambient Music Edition of Delta Boost the entrainment frequencies are at a moderate level of intensity.In the Nature Sounds Edition of Delta Boost (also included with your purchase) the entrainment is more pronounced. This edition consists of harmonic box x entrainment (Level’s 1 – 3) embedded into nature sounds, and isochronic tones (Level’s 4 – 7) embedded with nature sounds.7 different nature sounds are used (1 for each level).The 8 mp3’s in Level 1 consist of rain with harmonic box x entrainment.The 8 mp3’s in Level 2 consist of ocean/seagull sounds with harmonic box x entrainment.The 8 mp3’s in Level 3 consist of bird sounds with harmonic box x entrainment.The 8 mp3’s in Level 4 consist of night sounds with isochronic tones entrainment.The 8 mp3’s in Level 5 consist of running brook sounds with isochronic tones entrainment.The 8 mp3’s in Level 6 consist of water surface sounds with isochronic tones entrainment.The 8 mp3’s in Level 7 consist of underwater/whale sounds with isochronic tones entrainment.Using nature sounds allows for the entrainment to be more intense (some prefer it this way, others don’t. So both are available with your purchase).In the Nature Sounds edition when you get to the lower carrier frequencies (Levels 4 – 7) isochronic tones are more pronounced than harmonic box x. This is why in the nature sounds version of Delta Boost (Level’s 4 – 7) we have used isochronic tones instead of harmonic box x entrainment.Finally, we added a optional audiostrobe track to all the mp3’s in the nature sounds version of Delta Boost for those of you who prefer light and sound entrainment, and have a mind machine capable of decoding the audiostrobe track on the mp3’s. (This is optional, the mp3’s work just fine if you don’t have a mind machine).If you are using powerful stereo headphones while listening to the nature sounds version of Delta Boost you only need to keep the volume turned up 1 or 2 notches since the brainwave entrainment frequencies are so pronounced.In some of the isochronic tones sessions (in the nature sounds version) the entrainment sounds similar to a beating heart. We can’t emphasize too strongly that the main purpose of any brainwave entrainment audio product is rhythmic beating. The rhythmic beating is what entrains the brain (similar to the steady beating of a drum, or chanting of the voice in ancient and modern rituals).In Delta Boost Level 1 Nature Sounds Edition all the tracks have the same nature sound (Rain), and the harmonic box x entrainment is very intense (loud).In Delta Boost Level 2 Nature Sounds Edition all the tracks have the same nature sound (Ocean/Seagull sounds), and the harmonic box x entrainment is very intense (loud).In Delta Boost Level 3 Nature Sounds Edition all the tracks have the same nature sound (Bird sounds), and the harmonic box x entrainment is very intense (loud).In Delta Boost Level 4 Nature Sounds Edition all the tracks have the same nature sound (Night Noises), and isochronic tones entrainment is used.In Delta Boost Level 5 Nature Sounds Edition all the tracks have the same nature sound (Running Brook), and isochronic tones entrainment is used.In Delta Boost Level 6 Nature Sounds Edition all the tracks have the same nature sound (Water Surface), and isochronic tones entrainment is used.In Delta Boost Level 7 Nature Sounds Edition all the tracks have the same nature sound (Underwater/Whale Sounds), and isochronic tones entrainment is used.Bonus Alpha, Theta & Energy Tracks will be uploaded later
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