Mystery-Venusian Arts Handbook BETA Version
Mystery-Venusian Arts Handbook [compact edition]
[compact edition DOC+PDF]
Original version: is the BETA version.This means i’ve already invested over 30 hours of work into this book reduced its size and highlighted the chapter’s titles and subtitles.Original size:221 pagesCompact size:39 pagesWhy this is only BETA? Because if I wanted to finish it i should invest another 30+ hours of work into it and i am not willing to invest another second in this book.Why another 30+ hourse of work? The first 7 pages of this book are ok but in the last 32 ones the text will often look something like that:Th e win g shoul d occup y th e obstacle s s o tha t th e playe r gets mor e tim e one-on-on e wit h his targetOve r time as attraction is created, yo u ca n then use this attraction to bait the girl into mor e participation and investment.If i want to finish this i’d have to correct the text word by word , space by space but i’d rather go out ,sarge or fuck than do this!So you’ve been warned!IF this kind of text doesnt bother you than i’m glad you’ve found this useful.I’ve done this book for my compact ebook collection and since this kind of flaw doesnt bother me,this is where i stop working at this book.If the admins will find this release unproper i’ll delete it but i am sure there are other people like me ,who will enjoy reading it (this is the reson i decided to upload it) even though is not perfect.Enjoy!
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