Nick Nilsson – Mad Scientist Muscle
Mad Scientist Muscle
[16 eBook – PDF, 1 Software – EXE]
THIS product IS A elib EXCLUSIVE. PLEASE DON’T SHARE. I purchased this with my money, please, please keep it within this place. This is Nick Nilsson’s Mad Scientist Muscle. The EXE software is a quick way to access the whole book. Two short months and you’ll be in a wholenew LEAGUE of mass and strength.Then you can move directly on to one of the OTHER programs and start the mass attack all over again where you can build on the results of the first round and slap it on even MORE!Sound interesting? Check out what what this program has to offer…1. SCIENCE-Based TrainingIt’s a comprehensive, scientifically-based muscle-building STRATEGY that leaves NOTHING to chance. Each and every phase of this program is based on research-inspired, gym-proven training principles designed to build larger, stronger muscles.2. ZERO GuessworkI’ve planned out EVERY single set, rep, and exercise of EVERY workout of each two-month block of training for you. You’ll NEVER have a workout where you don’t know EXACTLY what to do. This program is downright “paint-by-numbers” easy to follow.3. Time-EfficientYou don’t have to spend your whole life in the gym to get big and strong. It actually works better when you DON’T! All the training sessions are designed to be completed in less than an hour…rarely longer than 45 minutes…and done just four times a week (and only on weekdays, leaving your weekends free). 4. Minimize Fat GainWho wants to get big and get FAT, too? I’ve included a special dietary “tweak” that will minimize fat gain while you’re massing up. This simple trick will keep fat in check AND give your body a quick hormonal growth shot when you return to regular eating.5. Works Great for Men AND WomenLadies, don’t think for a second this program isn’t for you, too. I might talk about building massive muscle but your female genetics (and hormonal make-up!) won’t allow for THAT kind of growth. Train hard to build muscle and all that’ll happen is you’ll look really, really HOT.
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