Nilofer Safdar – 7 days of pain relief
1-7 Days Of Pain Relief
[ WEBRIP – 16 MP4, 2 JPEG, 1 PNG]
Nilofer Safdar Safdar is the bestselling author of seven books, Money Circle, Cracking the Client Attraction Code, Transformations, WhereIs My Doorway To Possibilities, The Magic Of Being, Create Your Life and The Colors Of Now.Nilofer is a Life Coach, Money Mastery Coach and a Business Coach. Her signature workshop – 30 Days Of Success Bootcamphelps people create a quick change in any area of their life including Money, Relationships, Body, Healing.Nilofer helps people change their reality to generate and create a life they desire and require. Her target is to generate a life thatis joyful and expansive for everybody she touches.She is the host of a TV show which aired on JIA News in India called The Nilofer Show.She is the host of the First online radio show in the Middle East, The Healthy Living Dubai Show, in which she interviews Speakers,Coaches, Natural Healers from the Middle East which empowers the listeners to Create everything they desire in life.She is also the host of the telesummit, Illusion to Illumination Summit, in which she has interviewed more than 150 Luminaries,Change Agents, Best Selling Authors from around the world including Peggy Phoenix Dubro, the originator of the EMF BalancingTechnique, Gary Douglas – the founder of Access Consciousness.She also has a regular column in the publication Tempo Planet.She lives with her husband and kids in Abu Dhabi, UAE7 days of pain relief course:A creative course based on acupressure to eliminate pain in your bodyDay 1: Full bodyDay 2: BackDay 3: Arms, Wrist, Elbow, ShoulderDay 4: Legs, ankle, shin, calf, knee, hipDay 5: Head, neck, sore throat, cough, colds, sinuses, ear points, vertigo, weak eyesight, teeth problems. headachesDay 6: Chest, abdomen, bloatingDay 7: Bladder, genitals, reproductive organs, lungs, large instestine, brainBonuses/Videos — Brain Fatigue – Stress Relief -Good Sleep- Migraine- Spine/ Back Pain- Knee Pain- Toolkit for pain- 2 Q & A
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