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NSCA Resistance Training Exercise Technique

[2 DVD-Rip]


Original upload here to original uploader for the description and picThis is the DVD Rip versionDescriptionExercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training-2nd EditionProduct Description:Beefed up from 38 to 57 exercises, this new edition of Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training is a must for any professional library. It will help readers prepare for the NSCA’s Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist exam or its Certified Personal Trainer exam. It will also serve as a valuable reference for personal trainers and fitness instructors. Also, college and university faculty who teach courses in resistance training can use the manual and DVDs to complement hands-on instruction and demonstration or to teach exercise technique without going to a weight room.This resource provides clear descriptions for those performing resistance training exercises or for those who instruct others. The manual gives detailed explanations on technique for each free-weight and machine exercise, and the accompanying DVDs show the movements for each exercise in action. Readers using this manual to study for the CSCS or NSCA-CPT exams will find this resource particularly helpful as they prepare for exam questions relating to anatomy, biomechanics, program design, and exercise technique. Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training, Second Edition, contains the following features:Extremely thorough checklists for 57 resistance training exercises, helping readers safely perform the exercises or oversee the safe and correct performance of themInstruction from experts who were selected and approved by the NSCA Accurate exercise technique for each exercise on the DVDs, which also highlights some of the most common incorrect techniquesThe manual and DVDs supply 5 total-body, 14 lower-body, 36 upper-body, and 2 abdominal exercises.Contents:ContentsPreface IntroductionTotal Body:Power and Explosive Exercises Snatch Power Clean Hang Clean Push Press (and Push Jerk)Lower Body:Hip and Thigh (Multijoint) Exercises Front Squat Back Squat Hack Squat (Machine)Deadlift Hip Sled (Machine) Horizontal Leg Press (Machine) Step-Up Forward Step LungeHip and Thigh (Single-Joint) Exercises:Stiff-Leg Deadlift Leg (Knee) Extension (Machine) Lying Leg (Knee) Curl (Machine) Seated Leg (Knee) Curl (Machine) Calf (Single-Joint) Exercises:Seated Calf (Heel) Raise (Machine) Standing Calf (Heel) Raise (Machine) Upper Body:Chest (Multijoint) Exercises Flat Barbell Bench Press Incline Barbell Bench PressFlat Dumbbell Bench Press Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Flat Bench Press (Smith Machine) Vertical Chest Press (Machine) Assisted Dip (Machine) Chest (Single-Joint) Exercises:Pec Deck (Machine) Flat Dumbbell Fly Incline Dumbbell Fly Back (Multijoint) Exercises:Lat Pulldown (Machine) Bent-Over Row One-Arm Dumbbell Row Low-Pulley Seated Row (Machine) Seated Row (Machine) Back (Single-Joint) Exercises:Barbell Pullover Good Morning Shoulder (Multijoint) Exercises:Shoulder Press (Machine) Seated Barbell Shoulder Press Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press Upright Row Shoulder (Single-Joint) Exercises:Front Shoulder Raise Lateral Shoulder Raise Lateral Shoulder Raise (Machine) Bent-Over Shoulder Raise Barbell Shoulder Shrug Biceps (Single-Joint) Exercises:Barbell Biceps Curl Dumbbell Biceps Curl Hammer Curl Low-Pulley Biceps Curl (Machine) Biceps Curl (Machine)Triceps (Single-Joint) Exercises:Lying Barbell Triceps Extension Seated Overhead Barbell Triceps Extension Triceps Pushdown (Machine) Forearm (Single-Joint) Exercises:Wrist Curl Wrist ExtensionAbdomen:Abdominal Exercises Bent-Knee Sit-Up Abdominal Crunch


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