OSHO – The Tantra Experience ( 2 MP3, 1 Word Doc)
The Tantra Experience
An absorbing book about the relationship between Saraha, an affluent young Brahmin, and a lower-cast arrowsmith woman – he as disciple and she as his Tantric master. These revolutionary talks on “The Royal Song of Saraha” are “…not the composition of a poet, but the realization of a mystic.” Through his characteristically penetrating insights into previously insolvable paradoxes of life, Osho reveals how the Tantra experience will help free us from the destructive Hebraic-Christian dualism that has crippled our bodies, minds and hearts, and has condemned as evil almost everything we do.Osho offers crystal-clear answers to questions and dilemmas we could never understand – even if we had dared to ask about them – and gives us a new perspective, a new way of looking at life and a new way of living in harmony with existence…for Tantra is not an intellectual proposal, it is pure experience. “You may not have even heard the name of Saraha, but Saraha is one of the great benefactors of humanity. If I were to count on my fingers ten benefactors of humanity, Saraha would be one of those ten. If I were to count five, then too, I would not be able to drop Saraha.”Talk 1: Aiming at the OneTalk 2: The Goose Is Out!Talk 3: This Honey Is YoursTalk 4: Love Is DeathTalk 5: Man Is a MythTalk 6: I Am a DestroyerTalk 7: Truth Is Neither Holy Nor UnholyTalk 8: Be True to LoveTalk 9: Mind Divides – Reality Is OneTalk 10: Why Is Marriage Boring?
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