Patrick Harbula – The Magic of the Soul: Applying Spiritual Power to Daily Living
The Magic of the Soul
[1 eBook – MOBI, EPUB]
Patrick Harbula – The Magic of the Soul: Applying Spiritual Power to Daily LivingThe Magic of the Soul: Applying Spiritual Power to Daily Living offers 224 pages of inspirational guidance and practical techniques to create deeper levels of inner peace, fulfillment, and purpose. It on its fifth printing and is used as curriculum for Centers for Spiritual Living around the world and continues to grow in sales and popularity each year. The book is a perfect guide for anyone interested in furthering their spiritual path, healing physical or emotional dis-ease, or achieving life dreams. The accompanying audio CD provides guided exercises to assist a daily spiritual practice. The book was written to help integrate spiritual strength and clarity into everyday living. In an exciting narrative that includes the author’s personal accounts of achieving financial success, healing from chronic illness, and realizing spiritual transformation, the text guides the reader to self-empowerment through meditation, visualization techniques, mental mastery, emotional healing, and clarification of life purpose. The Magic of the Soul is more user friendly than most in its genre. It presents helpful statements of encouragement throughout the text that are centered and highlighted, almost like the author is speaking directly to the reader. The philosophy is explained in simple and practical language. The accompanying audio CD contains meditations (accented by soothing background music) that guide the listener through many of the exercises provided in the text. Everyone has experienced peak moments when they were at their highest levels of understanding, compassion, and mastery. The trick can be learning how to expand and reinforce these experiences through everyday living. How does one recognize and act as a custodian of spiritual force when one is presented with stress, frustration, and even tragedy? The Magic of the Soul suggests recognizing that spiritual force, the magic of each individual’s soul, is present and active in every experience. Through daily practice, people can dramatically change how they respond to life’s challenges and infuse the direction of their lives with greater peace, fulfillment, and meaning.
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